Cheers for the comments guys :) I agree the backfire was awesome but it was due to the retarded cams so is now no more

and cheers junky, she doesn't look to bad from 10feet its just when you get close. In all honestly the look I'm going for is rolling project with a fun engine peeking through the grill :)
Speaking of grills I've painted the chrome surrounds in gloss black! I really like the look and if you see carefully the wrapped exhaust is there too!

Exhaust now re wrapped

It keeps the engine bay temperature down nicely and hides the rustic look of the exhaust manifold haha!
So it's been a while since I actually update this blog, I've been busy, been to a wedding and been to Barcelona with Jess (girlfriend)
But prior to that mini wasn't behaving herself

we went on a cruise to Great Yarmouth with some other mini chaps and mini was a bad girl.this was the 2nd of August
The new compression of the engine tied with my modded cam cover created a lot of crank case pressure and blew out seals all around the cam cover

this meant she dumped nearly all her oil on the way to Yarmouth. On the way back after topping her back up we stopped for a Macy's, on leaving there my lights failed with the hid ballasts full of oil so were fubared

drove home in a close convoy back to Norwich bout 5miles with only side lights which wasn't fun. (She Could stay at Maccys that night as she had left a small lake of oil)
Oh and the entire way to Yarmouth she was overheating slightly when I went over 70mph. This was because there was only water in the system as I had changed a seal on where the coolant hardlines enter the waterpump! This i though was acceptable as she was running neat water
Then come the morning of the 3rd August I topped her up with oil again and took her to a mates workshop where I temporary fixed the oil leak by making an oil catch can from a water bottle, scourers and some tube and Gaffa tape :) bodgy but worked perfectly! Also decreased the engine bay and the entire car! Horrible job!
Drove her home all non oily, overheating now under control when driving back at 60. Water in the system only mind! So made a note to self to change water for coolent/water mix in the next few days. Also proper oil catch can from ebay ( £19!! Bargain!)
4th August. Drove to girlfriends in the day all fine. We both drove back home to mine as had cousins wedding next afternoon! Obviously had a race from the line with girlfriends car! Had her up to 40ish mph then massive bang water all over the windscreen engine temp shot through the roof! Little bugger had blown a bypass hose!! On close inspection hose had split apart through pressure, standard Nissan part so not very happy! But only had water in the system so no money lost in coolent which is nice

Had two people in less than a minute stop which is awesome. One guy with his audi was at the Yarmouth meet the previous Sunday and saw her there. Also a fellow mini owner!
5th August went back to mini with replacement pipe off other engine. Filled with water, run up to temperate all sorteD!
So back to the to do list from before
>heat wrap – done
Since the 5th I've been using the bike is the weather been great and ran out of money for mini anyhow
Catch can arrived on the 14th August. By then the water bottle one had called apart and the car was full of fumes. Zero oil leaks tho!!!
New and old

Need to get a photo of it plumbed in still tho
Got back from holiday last Friday 20th august
Parents told me mini stinks of petrol! Check the boot and little sod has sprung another leak In the tank along the original welded seam. No way to fix. It looks awful anyhow. Petrol leak has ruined paint everywhere again!
So new tank ordered! Hopefull it'll arrive soon!
Boot cleaned up, primed and painted

Boot board for tank to sit on partially planned

Outline of tank footprint

I've ordered a 7gallon tank to give me some more range compared to the 4.5 one before
To do list now
>heatwrap –done
>fix tank squeak – new tank, no more squeak or leak!
>new driveshaft - ordered a new driveshaft!
So yh I've had three breakdowns, one wedding and one holiday so it's been a busy month!
Sorry for all the words!
Feel free to comment!