I drove her home/limped along at 40mph on Saturday morning, engine feels fine although she did overheat slightly but I have no idea how badly as my gauge is situated in the radiator not the engine block

During the drive home there was a slight mist of oil gently spraying into the windscreen so I knew something was broken big time, it was just was it the engine or something easier to fix!
I took her apart when she was home, cleaned up the block to find the source of the oil leak.
It wasn't the cylinder head thank god, it wasn't the cam chain view port area, so could only be the timing chain cover

So started her up with the alternator removed and it was instantly clear where the oil was from

Oil after two seconds of running

So it was the lower pulley oil seal! Awesome, should be a nice easy fix if the engine was in a micra as there is loads of room!
However this is a mini micra so room is tight! Luckily I could get the lower pulley off as if not it would have been an engine out job!
Remains of the oil seal

Just need to clean up the old seal area

New seal has been ordered and so has 5 metres of battery cable so I can start her again. I am hoping the parts will arrive tomorrow as I am currently without car but still have to get to uni and placement!
Feel free to comment!
Edited by lawrence, 30 March 2015 - 10:06 AM.