Well guys, this update starts off with a rubbish note!
9:30 pm just finished placement for uni so driving home,
About 7 miles from home my drivers side main headlight goes. I assumed it was a bad connection like these things tend to be so pull into the next garage about a mile later
I get there and find my light ballast bracket had broken, rubbing on the aux drive belt (waterpump+alternator)
It had rubbed a nice gouge down the middle essentially making two belts out of one. Decided that it was ok to limp home sticking to back roads and sub 1500revs. Only have 5 miles or so.
Pull out the garage to pootle along at 30mph to limp home, all of a sudden alternator light come on, burning rubber smell, squealing, the whole works basically. Bang her to neutral and come to a stop at the crest of the hill I was going up and wonder what to do.
Options were, roll down the hill to the next lay-by and leave here there overnight or turn round and go to a friends back the way I just came. Chose the latter, so pushed her round (baring in mind this is a main road but haven't much choice!) and rolled her down the way I just came to my friends (1/4 mile or so), rolled her part way up said friends drive when I then called her and she and her kids gave me a hand to get her safe and sound.
Checked mini over
>hid ballast broken
>drive belt shredded
>oil everywhere
>outer cv gaiter slashed by drive belt, cv grease everywhere
It's now 10:30 pm and I've been up since 6 so very pissed off called my mum for a lift home.
Cue this afternoon, loaded up panda with tools, got changed after placement and headed to Friends house to commence works :)
Tools unloaded a work to commence
Cue first *******up.
I took the alternator charging cable off the alternator, totally forgot its attached to the starter motor and battery! Cable taps frame, creates short. I grab it to stop short. Fine for a moment but the the insulation I wrapped around the frame by the starter motor has gone and melted therefore battery is now shorting straight to the subframe. Entire car fills with burning starter motor cable smoke (cable runs inside) Rush to the boot to disconnect the battery. Can't find the freaking spanner! meanwhile car is billowing smoke and I'm in the boot trying to disconnect he battery! Lever off the negative earth clamp breaking a screwdriver but breaking the short.
Photo was taken while waiting for the smoke to clear whilst holding the fire extinguisher.
What remains of the starter/battery cable
So that's the bad news. It's gunna get better now
Cleaned up the engine bay, took off alternator, checked it, totally fine just oily. Waterpump not seized so that's a good sign too. Checked oil, no sign of headgasket failure. Low water in rad but that's normal for her. So far thinking I got off lightly!
Go for a drive to wilco to pick up new aux belt and fitted with no issues.
Start mini up, check aux belt area and a fine spray of oil covers my face. Thanks mini
All that area was clean moments before
So in conclusion.
>aux drive belt sorted
>new oil leak
>need a new battery main cable
>new outer cv gaiter needs replacing
Oil leak looks to be coming from two places
>timing chain cover and crankshaft oil seal. I'm putting this down to overheating and causing the seals to breakdown/ fail.
Plan for tomorrow.
>limp home (5miles or so)
>fit new battery cable
>check spares for another cv gaiter and fit
>buy some degreaser and find the source of the oil leak!!
Feel free to comment on this stressful day!
So then guys, it's time for a bit of an update :)
I drove her home/limped along at 40mph on Saturday morning, engine feels fine although she did overheat slightly but I have no idea how badly as my gauge is situated in the radiator not the engine block
During the drive home there was a slight mist of oil gently spraying into the windscreen so I knew something was broken big time, it was just was it the engine or something easier to fix!
I took her apart when she was home, cleaned up the block to find the source of the oil leak.
It wasn't the cylinder head thank god, it wasn't the cam chain view port area, so could only be the timing chain cover
a big engine out job!
So started her up with the alternator removed and it was instantly clear where the oil was from
Oil after two seconds of running
So it was the lower pulley oil seal! Awesome, should be a nice easy fix if the engine was in a micra as there is loads of room!
However this is a mini micra so room is tight! Luckily I could get the lower pulley off as if not it would have been an engine out job!
Remains of the oil seal
Just need to clean up the old seal area
New seal has been ordered and so has 5 metres of battery cable so I can start her again. I am hoping the parts will arrive tomorrow as I am currently without car but still have to get to uni and placement!
Oh and there is nothing wrong with the cv gaitor, I must have simply not done the cable tie up enough so it slipped off!
Feel free to comment!