Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)
Posted 17 January 2012 - 11:43 PM
keep it going
Posted 18 January 2012 - 02:35 PM
ive ground down the work from yesterday to make some nice invisiable repairs

i then decided im too cheap to buy a door repair panel so ill fix this the hard way :)
used a bit of cardboard aided design to recreate the crusty corner

panel made and tacked in

welded up

half the bottom made and partly welded on

fully welded along and ground down

but then a slight problem happened

so thats all for today folks, sorry for a tiny update!
Edited by lawrence, 18 January 2012 - 02:36 PM.
Posted 18 January 2012 - 03:47 PM
Posted 20 January 2012 - 01:55 PM
heres the update from the last few days then,
painted a few bits and pieces, theyll need another coats sometime tho

took my grinder back to machine mart and got it replaced on warranty, got a free grinding disk in the box too which is pretty good as i needed one!

so back to the door now i have my grinder back :)
panel made, shown next to rusty old one

panel tacked in

fully welded

ground down, felt like making it invisible because i can, wont do this for the other repairsas its a proper chore and who looks under a door??

small patch was welded in to the right of the previous repair, ill need to drill a hole in this as it was the drain hole area

new patch made for the last part of the door, tip to people that need sheet steel use the door skin metal as its primed and painted already so perfect for patches :)

tacked that patch in

forgot to take a picture of it welded but it is, i then ground down the weldson the flange and gave the lip a coat of zinc primer all round

and there we have it, two repaired doors in need of new skins

better make an order from mmachine this afternoon then!
hope you like this little update,
more stuff happening once the new panels arrive!
Posted 20 January 2012 - 08:19 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 07:56 PM
tiny update from today
got a rear subframe!!!!! finally!!!!!!!!
its in pretty good nic, just needs a wire brush, paint and my parts bolted on to fit to the car
cost £67 which i think is pretty good price,
ill upload some pics of it tommorow and then strip and paint it
also ordered a rear waist rail and both doorskins so can get cracking with them when they arrive!
still on the lookout for a pair of pattern rear quarters for sale in the norfolk/suffolk area, if youv got some send me a message
hope you like this update
Posted 22 January 2012 - 01:06 AM

Posted 24 January 2012 - 05:53 PM
heres to poor old subframe in her stripped down state

little bit of surface rust but completely solid which is nice

so ive flap wheeled and wire brushed it to get the majority of the surface rust off

and gave it a coat of paint :)

proper nice and shiny finish

also cleaned up and fitted the brake pipes and bias valve, glad ive managed to save a few quid here, also in buying the second subframe fully built up has meant i can take my pick from the fittings on both the frames so im not having to buy little washers and stuff as the little things soon add up!!

ive also started stripping the radius arms and drums, got myself some nice spares from them like wheel spacers, pads and brake cylinders which arnt cheap!
thats all for today tho folks as i had to cut it short due to going to give blood and they said i should have a relaxing day

next steps are>
>more work tommorow as i hope my door skins will arrive! if not ill be finishing building up the subframe and give the underside of the boot floor another going over with underseal before the frame gets fitted
>also worked out what i need to get her ready for the mot!
>Front to rear brake pipe
>spare wheel + typre (possibly powdercoated)
>2 rear quater panels
>passengers side window mechanism
>Group 2 wheel arches
think im looking at only about another £100 :), hope you like
Posted 01 February 2012 - 06:07 PM

new things that have happened since the 24th
>been refurbing and painting bit for the rear subframe, havent got any picks because its a bit boring
>found a passengers side door on ebay the other day for only 99p so got the window mechanism from there and some spares so thats something ticked off the to buy list
>my door skins have now arrived so i can reskin them soon, just need to weld some captive nuts in where i had to grind away the threaded blocks
>i also decided that im not going to fork out £60 odd for the rear 1/4 panels and that if i had a sheet folder i could make them!, so today i turned this simple pile of angle iron and 2 bolts

into an all singing, all dancing and pretty beasty metal folder (which cost only £32!!!!)

then using the metal folder made some panels for the rear 1/4 window area, these will be welded in sometime

so thats all for today folks as ive not been i the garage much because its freezing!
on my to buy list is now
>Front to rear brake pipe
>spare wheel + typre (possibly powdercoated)
>Group 2 wheel arches
so im getting there, feel free to comment
Posted 02 February 2012 - 06:29 PM
so then, i decided that more work was needed today,
welded in the 3 panels thats i made yesterday
ground down and primed
waist rail primed and holes drilled for plug welding
back of 1/4 primed ready for waist rail
clamped on
welded, ground down and zinc primed
so thats that window done so i welded my jacking point locators on the rear subframe
and them moved onto the lower part of the passengers side rear 1/4
cleaned up by the heelboard mount
made a snazzy new panel for this space
welded it in
made another snazzy panel, very happy with this one
and it fits perfectly where it has to go!
i thought it would be easier doing the bottom part in 2 pieces as im too cheap to buy panels atm :)
work tommorow will be
>weld in the snazzy panel
>make the other part of the rear 1/4 and weld that onm should be nice and easy as its just a flat piece and a curve
updates for the shopping list
>my parents are buying me the battery as apparantly they owe me money from chiristmas, they were going to buy the rear 1/4s but now im making them
>found a local place to me that has 3 weller wheels just rusting away so hopefully ill get them cheap, so that will be the spare wheel sorted
hope you like this update, feel free to comment
Posted 02 February 2012 - 07:57 PM

Posted 02 February 2012 - 09:47 PM
Posted 06 February 2012 - 03:48 PM
Well its been a little chilly as most people will know but i got i the garage today for a bit,
ive not welded the other panel from last time but made some more instead
panel fabricated up

lovely snug fit

tacked in

lots of penetration

little filler panel made

and the other one

then i started to weld them in, but im now out of gas

and then drilled and primed the waist rail for next time

hope you like this small update, had to stop because ive work in a bit! not sure when the next update will be as ill have to get more gas and havent alot of doller atm

Posted 16 February 2012 - 09:41 PM

so now the money is back for a bit ive picked up
>more gas
>a scriber for metal as im fed up using pencil that you cant see!
>front to rear brake pipe
>tiger seal
so now ill be able to skin the doors and seal them up, fit the subframe as i need to fit the pipe first

todays work is
>finished welding of the top of drivers side quarter

>partly welded in the panel i made the other day so now i can make the other bit

>and made another panel to replace the one i slighly ruined when i made my heelboard closing panels ages ago!

>and the panel in place with a lovely snug fit

>started to finish the passengers side rear quarter by making a panel

current shopping list is
Mini shopping list
>spare wheel + typre (possibly powdercoated)
>Group 2 wheel arches
>front shock absorber mounts
>rustoloum (graphite grey) to roller paint the roof
so hope you like this tiny update, there will be more work later this week, hopefully tommorow after work!
Edited by lawrence, 16 February 2012 - 09:43 PM.
Posted 17 February 2012 - 09:09 PM
Cant believe your doing all this work,and all those bottles of booze sitting beside - Suprised they aren't broken!
keep u p the good work!
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