please stop now, ask the paint rep to pop in and take samples before add any more paint, using a sealer is ok, but is no guarantee that primers will not bleed years/months to come
Hi i put this to the bodyshop chap and he said basically it could be anything reacting with the paint, however today whilst flatting back the door steps i found some more reaction.
Cue some 180 grit wet and dry and lots of elbow grease i'm pretty sure i have found the culprit. Its' bloody Halfords yellow filler primer. I must have missed some areas due to whatever reasons and after having had etch, primer, filler primer sprayed on them with no problems when i started to flat the primer filler back i noticed what looked like cobwebs.
Anyway one door step rubbed down to bare metal we have got to decide whether to remove the filler as well but the other door step the painter feels we may be able to get away without having to strip it back. He's got an idea that may over come this issue so we shall see tomorrow.
Other than that i have one quarter panel, half the rear panel and the roof to flat back then it's top coat time. If this reacts i'm going to buy a gallon of petrol and set fire to the bloody thing.