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A Well Know Wheel Supplier From The Midlands

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#1 jwb_moto


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 11:57 AM

Just thought id give you a brief insight to the experience we received from Midland Wheel Supplies at the IMM this weekend.

One of the young lads (hippohen on here) who came with our club this weekend had decided his significant purchase for the weekend would an interior for his Cooper. after a lot of trawling round the stands and bartering with some of the suppliers he decided MWS would have his business.

2 classic buckets in black, 2 subframes and the rear bench seat cover for £195. This was on the saturdy and he left a £50 deposit to hold them until yesterday. Henry isnt that mechanicaly minded so i offered to help him fetch the interior and so he could fit it in his car before we left.

we drove upto MWS' stand and while i was taking his old front seats out he paid and asked if they would mind fitting the subframes to the seats to which they rudely responded "No, we dont fit the interior" i thought ok fair enough it was worth asking.

So i started unpacking the seats and subframes and strted to fit the subframes to the underside of the first seat. The subframes were a completely different size to the mounting points on the bottom o the seat. After measuring the hole distances we established that the holes in the seats were at the minimum half an inch narrower than the subframes.

I asked Henry to ask one of the people on their stand if they had any other subframes we could try to see if they were at fault as they didnt fit and the owner (chris??) said rather rudely "We've sold hundreds of these and never hve any problems they do fit!"

to which i responded "well you my have but these dont, please come and have a look and ill show you"

He said " i dont care, im not an engineer, i dont fit the interior, they do fit, just have a refund as im not interested!"

The other staff proceeded to make comments like it was Henrys fault the subframes wouldnt fit.

To make the subframes fit would have required a fair bit of rework which we didnt have the resources to do a the show. With Henry being a young lad obviously he wanted to fit them there and if your paying a god some of money out for something it should be fit for purpose and actually fit together.

The fact the owner of said company refused to come and look at why they didn fit made me feel he knows that the quality of their stuff is poor and that they actually dont fit.

if he had said im very sorry there normlly not like that and they would get him some other seats there wouldnt have been a problem. But they were on the defensive straight from the off. This isnt the way to do business and the customer service is absolutely apauling.

This isnt the first time people from our OC have had problems with said company as one of our members bought some wheel studs from them at a show, after about 50 miles of driving after fitting them he went round a round about and all 4 sheared. He had the studs tested in a material lab to check the grade of material that is used and the quality was that poor it may aswell have been a bar of chocolate. he contacted them and because it didnt have a receipt they threatened him with court actions (for slander) if he didnt stop pursuing the problem. The fact they dont give out receipts is very naughty and makes my opinion of them even less.

So to summarise my opinions of them (this is in no way the opinion of others or the forums)

Their customer service is complete Poop, their products are Poop. I believe they are basically ripping off people with little or no technical experience by selling inferior quality products.

I think i can speak for Henry aswell here but neither of us will be buying anything from them in the future.

MWS Sort it out!

Edited by jwb_moto, 10 August 2009 - 12:14 PM.

#2 mars red mike

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 12:10 PM

"He said " i dont care, im not an engineer, i dont fit the interior, they do fit, just have a refund as im not interested!"

My response to that would have gone something like " Ok *melon*, give me my money back and shove your made in Taiwan seats up your arse"

I have heard numerous horror stories about the above mentioned company in the past hance why I have never used them. Bad attitudes doesnt bring in business.

#3 HippoHen


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 12:55 PM

Henry isnt that mechanicaly minded .

How dare you!! lol

Yeh i can tell you for sure that i wont be going there anytime soon!

Edited by HippoHen, 10 August 2009 - 12:56 PM.

#4 chappy


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 12:56 PM

there has always been some sort of 'cheapness' feel to their products, and i guess that ties in with their customer service. but with the wheel studs!, what the fudge! i'd have taken them to trading standards.

I think that they were lucky with that particular customer, could have been fatal.

#5 scotty_b


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 01:54 PM

I agree customer service was a let down YEARS ago when i got an exhaust from them. Exhaust was fine but as said quality sometimes lacking. Was looking at getting some wheels from them but think il sort my own nuts!!

As for the 'you have no receipt slander case'. . id have just purchased another set though an alias requesting a receipt had them tested and badda'bing they would have been in BIG trouble!!

Still when will they learn? after someone is killed by a faulty part? shocking read.

Henry hope you get your seats sorted soon mate!!




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Posted 10 August 2009 - 02:04 PM

friend of mine has just come round to see me me and told me a friend of ours bought some blue anodised wheels nuts from mws

after a few hundred miles driving around france on the way back here to go to the imm some of the wheel nuts shered off meaning he lost the wheel

he went to mws on wendesday and was told *melon* happens by a member of staff

so he contacted trading standards who asked if they had the british kite mark or asny other markings and if they where sold in packs of four or if they where sold for show use only

he said no to all and they said will be investigating

#7 Bec


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 02:18 PM

I'm sorry to hear about all the hassle you and HippoHen had! Hope you managed to enjoy the show though despite it.

I've had a set of their chrome alloys in the distant past with the end result in Vern's project thread, not impressed, such a waste of money. Minispares all the way for us now.

#8 Bungle


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 02:29 PM

i thought everyone knew to avoid MWS

#9 jwb_moto


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 02:34 PM

I knew not to buy from them and had advised Henry not to but theyre what fitted his budget.

Glad to hear that theyre being investigating.

#10 Retro_10s



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Posted 10 August 2009 - 03:46 PM

You'd think suppliers of ANY sort of part or service would behave better than than that. But then again......

#11 mini-man-dan


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 03:46 PM

I've got to the point now where I wouldn't touch MWS. A friend of mine was sold wheels you couldn't put tyres on. Yep, that's right! Wheels you can't put tyres on! The 6x10 Revolites they were selling out were so badly designed that the tyres could only fit if they were stretched right out and put on dead flat, which MWS claimed they could only do. So when you have a puncture in Bristol (where we live), you have to send your wheel and new tyre up to MWS to get it replaced!
And we are no monkeys when it comes to putting tyres on. My friend father owns a service station garage with proper tyre machine, and my brother is an ex-mobile tyre fitter of 4 or so years.
Avoid MWS!

Oh and just to put a cherry on the cake of uselessness, I've heard the laquer on the wheels falls off as soon as they come out of the box, and the quality of their seats they sell are so bad I wouldn't even let my pet cat sit on them.

Well, that's my 2pence anyways!
Dan :thumbsup:

Edited by digi-cars.piczo.com, 10 August 2009 - 03:47 PM.

#12 scotty_b


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 06:11 PM

See i was unsure on the wheels they sell, but they seem a good price with the tyres (http://www.midlandwh...ohama-A539.html) and was going to relaquer them before i even fit them. What you think or best to steer clear and get them from huddersfield mini spares?

#13 redhotmini


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 06:15 PM

See i was unsure on the wheels they sell, but they seem a good price with the tyres (http://www.midlandwh...ohama-A539.html) and was going to relaquer them before i even fit them. What you think or best to steer clear and get them from huddersfield mini spares?

get Performance Superlites, you can buy them straight from the company, and they are top notch wheels, not some cheap chinese crap.

#14 minidan


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 06:44 PM

its scary to think that some companies sell products like wheels/tyres and studs that are extremely safety critical parts and they are sub-standard!

makes you wonder how many companies have the same suppliers as MWS!

hopefully none.



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Posted 10 August 2009 - 06:58 PM

it's been said TIME and TIME again... please don't give these people your hard earned, they are an ignorant bunch of ####ers who sell sh!t£

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