I would like to replace the wings on my 1992 with side-indicator free. Is that going to affect MOT and also, modifications law, in your opinion?
Any car post 1st April 1986 will require a side repeater to be fitted, so if you fit wings without the provision you will need to add some "E" marked units elsewhere legally.
Thanks for quick reply Alex. Its good to be sure.
I like indicators. They used to be a very nice considerate aspect to motoring on the public roads... surprisingly, indicating is still part of the driving test, would you beleive?
ANd now, armed even with side-indicators, I only need to actually indicate ; I hope they test me too at the MOT... and all my frequent assailants
when I ride my motorcycle.
Lets hop the EU/Global corps go for visible indicators too (Can't claim it's my idea, its been done before) - like bold orange in a large round or square reflector - and ditch the dinky jewellery mods to indicators. Perhaps, we could have mandatory Lada indicators , and a police force to stop cars that fail to Mirror-signal-indicate (only to save loss of life at the of the inconsiderate) - the police force could get rich quickly too.
Edited by chuee, 05 June 2022 - 05:19 PM.