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Modifying Your Mini Without Falling Foul Of The Law

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#196 Captain Mainwaring

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 05:06 AM





does this car of mine need an iva test

dvla have refused a v5

thay have had a load of photo's they even said go and mot it

 and tax it if i want to  so now i have a mini with a full m.o.t

full insurance and cannot use it

apart of what you see in the photo the car is as it left the factory

standand 998 ,brakes steering subframes ect are standard


any comments


How have you ben getting on with this mate?


hi thanks for asking

had a letter from dvla saying the car is going to be a q plate and must have an iva

than I had a new v5 come in the post with all the old details on, now confused???

so not sure what to do at the moment




I know exactly what I'd do....

#197 AGoaty


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:15 AM

Had a chat with a VOSA inspector/tester the other day.


He hinted at things toughening up and said they are already crushing non compliant cars. I asked him to give me examples and he said at the moment they are looking at Limo's that have not had an IVA and are unlicensed.


He told me to look on youtube and I found these...





They are looking at cars that should have had a test and haven't yet are still in use.

I realise we don't hire out our minis that we've chopped up but we do have mini limo's in the scene and as with all laws they filter down to the little man in the end.


Time to stop avoiding the issue and make sure your car is compliant.


The law states:


"It is an offence to use a vehicle that requires type approval without an Individual Approval Certificate confirming compliance with the type approval requirements"


In our case M1 vehicles that have lost type approval compliance by modification to the monocoque structure of the vehicle. I don't need to go into points and reqs here again as its been done further back in the thread.


Ive not heard of a modified mini getting crushed but I have seen more and more people getting a tug by DVLA and even roadside checks by VOSA throwing up issues.


I would love to be able to do whatever I like to a mini but I agree that the rules are to keep us safe and other road users safe. I would be more than miffed if someone else's shoddy work killed someone I knew etc


Sorry to go on about his but these vehicles are under the 10 year old rule so that's why any Mini owner can basically do what they like as long as it's up to MOT standard.


Regarding limousines, I'm sure that Top Gear did research into making their cars for the show before allowing them out on the road. They were all old cars.

Edited by AGoaty, 06 May 2014 - 07:24 AM.

#198 Archived2


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:30 AM



Sorry to go on about his but these vehicles are under the 10 year old rule so that's why any Mini owner can basically do what they like as long as it's up to MOT standard.


Regarding limousines, I'm sure that Top Gear did research into making their cars for the show before allowing them out on the road. They were all old cars.



Thats not how the ten year rule works. 

Its for un modified imports.


The ten year rule does not apply to vehicles that have had a modified chassis or monocoque. 


Once you modify your chassis or monocoque from the original you lose the right to its identity (v5 registration) and it must be tested as a new car.


Please stop giving people the wrong information. Contact VOSA for clarification,


There are not get out of jail free cards or work-arounds if your car is over ten years old


Oh and top gear cars were SVA'd and placed onto Q registrations.

Edited by minihobbymini, 07 May 2014 - 07:34 AM.

#199 AGoaty


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 12:35 AM

The two video's posted here are about VOSA clamping down is talking about licences for a PSV (public service vehicles). This is why they were crushed. NOT because they were unsafe or needing an IVA etc.

#200 Bungle


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 07:04 AM

so why are the VOSA inspectors going over the vehicle so thoroughly , do they think they might find the missing paper work somewhere under the bonnet ?

#201 Spud_133


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:14 PM

No, that is just common practice when VOSA pull a vehicle. They check it throughout for roadworthyness, regarding wear and tear, not being cut and shuts. It is no different to when a lorry is pulled. They will have checked the drivers paperwork and tachos, as well as the rosdworthyness of the car.

#202 Ethel


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:28 PM

Indeed, if you're going to inconvenience the operators and their customers with a roadside stop it makes sense to check all the legal aspects to cover it all in one go. I can't see why anyone would grumble; as they say in the vids it's for the customer's safety and it helps protect the legit operators being undercut by cowboys with cut 'n shuts & inadequate customer liability insurance.




an afterthought:


I think the point is already well enough made, but in VOSA's defence, it's worthwhile considering how it would look for them if one of these Limos was pulled over then sent on its way only to be involved in a prang that cost someone their life because it wasn't roadworthy.

#203 Archived2


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 07:59 PM



They are clamping down. The limo's that were destroyed did not have the necessary IVA pass certificate. On the same note the cert is needed to get a hire license from the council. All fact.


Again please stop with with your posts that are giving bad information.


If you have a problem with what has been said here then please contact VOSA. I know that Ethel, Myself and Bungle that you have argued with have all been in touch with them and had clarification in the IVA rules.


Here it is in simple language for you:


A mini needs 8 points of its original 14 to keep its V5/Identity.

5 of those points MUST come from the unmodified monocoque chassis.

Repairs are limited to like for like and anything other than such is classed as a modification. Patern panels and mot plate type welding  repairs are acceptable.


Lose the 8 points then you WILL need to be tested as a new vehicle under the IVA rules. Ive been there and done it.


You cannot do what you like if the car is over 10 years old.


You can in some cases have your V5 amended without an IVA/SVA if you can prove your car was built pre 1998. The onus is on you to inform DVLA of all changes. Driving your modified chassis car without informing DVLA is now an offence.


I hope this has cleared things up for you and others reading this.

Edited by minihobbymini, 30 May 2014 - 08:42 PM.

#204 Archived2


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:08 PM

The two video's posted here are about VOSA clamping down is talking about licences for a PSV (public service vehicles). This is why they were crushed. NOT because they were unsafe or needing an IVA etc.


Not true either. Did you not listen to the VOSA inspector?


Heres another video just for you.... 


Older but same issue




Same VOSA guy.


Operating illegally (No licence) and Not meeting safety requirements (NO IVA PASS CERT)


I have contacted VOSA regarding this and have spoken to the people involved.


You need the IVA/SVA paperwork to get an operators licence on these limo's. Just the same as you need an IVA on your modded mini to keep your V5 if you have altered your chassis/monocoque.


We are trying top help people. Please read up and speak to those in the know before posting any further. We have.

#205 Archived2


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:14 PM

The limo vids are just to show that VOSA are taking seriously the need for an IVA.

They are on to kit cars too and have pulled in many fibreglass 'minus' minis just recently and required them to bring the cars up to standard and undergo an IVA.


No-one is saying you cannot mod your car.

We are just saying that you need to be aware of the new laws and the issues that can arise from them.

Please build your car with the check in mind and budget for the test.


MOT's can throw your car into the loop and I can give examples if you need yet more convincing.


We are trying to help, not hinder. The scene is important to us and if we can protect our members then of course we will. We would not scare monger or knowingly give false information.


I have seen many cars that are not currently legal on this forum. It is not my job to report them and I don't. I know that other members do not either.

Just be aware.

#206 Bungle


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 05:27 PM


#207 Archived2


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 09:40 PM


Oh dear... We need to fit "show" plates that cannot be read when we attend shows now then. Sneaky buggers!

#208 Bungle


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 09:47 PM

failing that use this method



#209 Archived2


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 10:14 PM

failing that use this method



:lol:  seen lots of that for a while now Bungle

#210 Archived2


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Posted 30 May 2014 - 08:44 PM

Little clarification from ACE:


The 10 year old rule not needing IVA is purely to do with IMPORTED vehicles not vehicles being modified that are already registered. If needed I can provide links to the relevant Statutes in law as proof.

There have been rules as to what you can and can't so to your vehicle since DVLC ( as it was originally) came into being in 1965.

The latest set of rules have been in place since 1984 and the need for an SVA ( now IVA) test have been in place for vehicles that do not comply since 1998. This was to do with Type Approval initially and now European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval that came into being on 2009.

In it's simplest terms you must retain 8 points from an original 14 for a vehicle to retain its identity. 5 of those points must come from ORIGINAL UNMODIFIED chassis or monococque .

Fall outside of this and the vehicle loses its identity.

The only way to register a vehicle without a current identity is by a manufacturers certificate for mass produced vehicles or via a MAC which you receive at the end of a IVA test.

An old vehicle with its registration vehicle removed no longer has any significance on when it may have originally been built. It is classed as a new car and as such must meet new car regulations.

There are links on the ACE site to OFFICIAL press release from DVLA clarifying those rules and regulations..

I have been involved in motoring legislation since the first fight against banning modified cars back in 1976. If we hadn't won that we wouldn't even have the 8 points rule let alone a method of registering radically modified vehicles.

Please feel free to contact us at http://www.the-ace.org.uk with any specific questions we may be able to help with our 40 odd years of experience. Anything we do not know we can get clarified directly by DSVA ( new name for VOSA)


Thanks go to Kev Rooney and team.

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