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Modded Minis And The New Law

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#106 garrett3


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:45 AM

I disagree,

Any reasonable person would expect such a momentous claim to be backed up by corroborating evidence before they start the mad panic to sell off their big wheels and turbos etc.

It's not clear from the info Garrett supplied (and has since chosen to remove, denying people the opportunity to make their own judgment) why his friend's V5 was seized. I am pretty certain it has nothing to do with legislation that he claims doesn't take effect until 2012.

My suspicion is that the issue was over proving the vehicles identity not any modifications.

I can't see any point in contributing anything more to a discussion where people exercise self censorship, reminds me too much of Monty Python sketches.

It was due to modification and those who have seen the original post know this.

I was asked by Andy to remove it due to the amount of negativity this thread is recieving. thats only fair isnt it really?

Do you know who ANDY is? have you visited his site? please stop rubbishing these claims without your evidence as you are so clear to pount out this is only expected right?

I've come forward with hard fact, evidence and even a dvla telephone number.

lets put an end to the argueing and act together to fight this...

Edited by garrett3, 14 July 2009 - 10:47 AM.

#107 mini_mad69


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:49 AM

Do you know who ANDY is? have you visited his site? please stop rubbishing these claims without your evidence as you are so clear to pount out this is only expected right?

I don't think anyone knows who Andy is, so no one can realy trust the infomation.

If I said my made Dave said all mini's had to be scrapped would you believe me?


Edited by mini_mad69, 14 July 2009 - 10:50 AM.

#108 garrett3


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:53 AM

Do you know who ANDY is? have you visited his site? please stop rubbishing these claims without your evidence as you are so clear to pount out this is only expected right?

I don't think anyone knows who Andy is, so no one can realy trust the infomation.

If I said my made Dave said all mini's had to be scrapped would you believe me?


I have posted the dvla numbers and information up.. its all there in black and white now.

Come on mate, please do some searching before rubbishing me on a name


dont trust this site?

Google him or even better take a look at the buiness book of work records.. this is the man when it comes to modded vehicles.

Seriously please take time to read the whole topic/posts before posting as this info is on here already

Edited by garrett3, 14 July 2009 - 10:54 AM.

#109 dave21478


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:55 AM

Read this thread....

It starts off like this one - lots of ill-informed opinions and scaremogering, but about halfway through, a representative from TheAce joins in and gives the facts.

IVA is nothing to worry about. The basic points are that if you will need an IVA, then you would have really needed an SVA before now. Nobody bothered with SVA as it was very poorly enforced. IVA is not very different to SVA, infact there are iirc opnly a couple of basic changes.

In Germany, and here in France, laws are MUCH stricter than UK, yet both countries have a flourishing modified car scene. Here in FRance, all engine swaps are illegal unless they are homologated by the manufacturer (very few are) - thats what you need to worry about being introduced to UK - but the realityt is that something like that can not be fairly applied retrospectively, so its very unlikely to happen.
IVA is common sense and good practice - and there is no reason at all that any car will not pass it.

#110 cap'n crunch

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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:56 AM

The version you posted with the IVA inspection manual is not the most recent version...

A vehicle subject to The Basic IVA Requirements is either:

(a) a left hand drive vehicle;
(b) a personally imported vehicle;
© an amateur built vehicle;
(d) a vehicle manufactured in very low volume;
(e) a vehicle manufactured using parts of a registered vehicle;
(f) a rebuilt vehicle;
(g) a motor caravan as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive;
(h) an ambulance as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive;
(i) a hearse as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive; or
(j) an armoured vehicle as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive.

That is a drect quote from the IVA Manual, i can't see where there is a problem for a mini owner?

Even the rebuilt catagory seems to state change of chassis, bodyshell etc, which is sounds reasonable to me they are significant changes.

big honda engined minis with uprated brakes/suspension and subframes etc = IVA
Shorties = IVA
Large body kits that alter the vehicle apprearnce and structure = IVA
Body/chassis mods that alter the vehicle appearance = IVA
Road going rally prep cars that have alteres brakes/suspension, engine, drive train, harnesses etc etc etc = IVA
This can go on and on but as Im such a liar I will stop here lol

Unless you have diretly asked those above questions to the I.V.A or the governing body involved then that is only conjecture on your part, purely based on your understanding on the law which may or may not be correct. If those claims are not backed up with any evidence, then surely you can under stand why people think you are making and unnecessary panic.

#111 garrett3


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:56 AM

Read this thread....

It starts off like this one - lots of ill-informed opinions and scaremogering, but about halfway through, a representative from TheAce joins in and gives the facts.

IVA is nothing to worry about. The basic points are that if you will need an IVA, then you would have really needed an SVA before now. Nobody bothered with SVA as it was very poorly enforced. IVA is not very different to SVA, infact there are iirc opnly a couple of basic changes.

In Germany, and here in France, laws are MUCH stricter than UK, yet both countries have a flourishing modified car scene. Here in FRance, all engine swaps are illegal unless they are homologated by the manufacturer (very few are) - thats what you need to worry about being introduced to UK - but the realityt is that something like that can not be fairly applied retrospectively, so its very unlikely to happen.
IVA is common sense and good practice - and there is no reason at all that any car will not pass it.

This does not effect most cars like the mini...
Why wont anyone call the frigging number.

am I really bashing my head against a wall here?!?!?!??

#112 spiguy


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:57 AM

i got stopped by the rozzers today! just a "routine" vechile check! they had a vechile inspector from VOSA in the back of the car, he inspected my mini, was very happy with it, even commented on how the pivot on my handbreak mechinism still pivoted!! he never mentioned anything about any new law coming in for moddified cars though!

heres a standard sprite, minus the arches:
Posted Image
and here is my sprite:
Posted Image
i would say its fairly modified, i dont know if you would count it as significant or not! i would of hoped and thought that if it was true then he would of said something to me while he was inspecting the car!

Wow... Hope that never happens to me... I don't think they would be impressed with my car!!!!

#113 garrett3


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:57 AM

The version you posted with the IVA inspection manual is not the most recent version...

A vehicle subject to The Basic IVA Requirements is either:

(a) a left hand drive vehicle;
(b) a personally imported vehicle;
© an amateur built vehicle;
(d) a vehicle manufactured in very low volume;
(e) a vehicle manufactured using parts of a registered vehicle;
(f) a rebuilt vehicle;
(g) a motor caravan as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive;
(h) an ambulance as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive;
(i) a hearse as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive; or
(j) an armoured vehicle as defined in Annex II.A of the 2007 Directive.

That is a drect quote from the IVA Manual, i can't see where there is a problem for a mini owner?

Even the rebuilt catagory seems to state change of chassis, bodyshell etc, which is sounds reasonable to me they are significant changes.

big honda engined minis with uprated brakes/suspension and subframes etc = IVA
Shorties = IVA
Large body kits that alter the vehicle apprearnce and structure = IVA
Body/chassis mods that alter the vehicle appearance = IVA
Road going rally prep cars that have alteres brakes/suspension, engine, drive train, harnesses etc etc etc = IVA
This can go on and on but as Im such a liar I will stop here lol

Unless you have diretly asked those above questions to the I.V.A or the governing body involved then that is only conjecture on your part, purely based on your understanding on the law which may or may not be correct. If those claims are not backed up with any evidence, then surely you can under stand why people think you are making and unnecessary panic.

the evidence is there.. call the number!

*10 breaths*

Edited by garrett3, 20 July 2009 - 06:37 PM.

#114 mini_mad69


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:58 AM

I have posted the dvla numbers and information up.. its all there in black and white now.

Come on mate, please do some searching before rubbishing me on a name


dont trust this site?

Google him or even better take a look at the buiness book of work records.. this is the man when it comes to modded vehicles.

Seriously please take time to read the whole topic/posts before posting as this info is on here already

Well i've been following the thread since the beginning, I must have missed when the infomation on your mate came up.

I can see how the law may come in, but only to the extent of serious structure modifications, I can't see bolt on parts, meaning cars have to have an IVA test, but z-cars, shortys etc I can see them being made to have such a test.


#115 Mini-Mad-Craig


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:00 AM

What will happen to 7 companys? Lotus, Caterham, westfield, Robin hood etc?

#116 cap'n crunch

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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:02 AM


That is YOUR understanding of the law, from what i posted i interpret NOTHING that directly effects the majority of mini owners

Once again unless YOU have directly asked the IVA whether Shorties, Honda conversions, bodykits, rally mods then how on earth can you say these will Definatley need an IVA!?!?!?! it is only your interpreation!

#117 scrog


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:02 AM

not had time to read all the posts or study what has been said

but at a guess it will only apply to cars regestered on or after 2012

they have this in germany i think where you can not alter a car from the standered spec not even a replacement sports air fillter with out an inspection of some kind and they issue a ticket to take to your insurance
this is also why most german cars are limited to 155mph if your seen going faster on the autobarn you will be stopped and your car checked to see if it has been modded and you have the proper paper work for the mods

#118 Ethel


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:04 AM

But you chose to bring this to the forum, why would you expect those who read it to substantiate it for you?

I haven't seen anything that amounts to a personal attack or anyone calling anyone else a liar. All I've noticed is people doing the very sensible thing of considering the information before they make their minds up for themselves.

Those who have looked in to IVA for themselves have come to some different conclusions about how it will effect the Mini owning community, they are as entitled to state that opinion as you are.

If you think they are wrong you're very welcome to present a reasoned argument why: it's what forums are for.

#119 Jordie


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:08 AM

Ive contacted VOSA.

There is no planned changes within the MOT to identify if a vehicle is modified or otherwise.

That means no ticky box to say your car is modified.

What a load of shizzle this topic is. Obviously someone as crossed messages or authoritys here. MOT's ly with VOSA, not the DVLA.


#120 998dave


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Posted 14 July 2009 - 11:11 AM


I'm sure you can all appreciate, arguing amongst ourselves is not going to solve anything.

I've seen lots of bits and pieces on IVA's all over the internet, between 4x4 forums and kit car manufacturers, (worried it's going to effect my Hornet cabrio), but we'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime I suggest that rather then shouting at each other we should appreciate Garrett bringing this information forward, and all the background information he has, and use that to form an opinion, rather then rubbishing him or accusing him of scare-mongering. He hardly told everyone to sell their car or parts now did he!

Please try to keep things sociable.



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