Classic Mini Interiors
Posted 05 May 2011 - 09:45 PM
Posted 06 May 2011 - 08:13 AM
Are you making the B-pillar fabrications, or was that just covering them for a customer who'd already knocked them up? Similarly, did you make the door pods on the doorcards or were they just handed to you already made?
Hey Carts,
The custom fibreglass Classic Mini C pillar posts were finished off (filled, sanded and smoothed) and covered for the customer in the blue vinyl leatherette. Identical pods covered only would set you back £100. Or anything from £160 if they also need to be filled, sanded and smoothed prior to covering (like these did).
We do also offer custom fibreglass work though - an identical set can only be offered on a drive-in-drive-out basis, so you would be looking a something like £350 ish. Largely because we have to remove the rear windows, rear windscreen, rear of the headliner and any surrounding trim even before we start work on the pods (it also has to be re-fitted afterwards).
As for the door card speaker pods, the fibreglass was made and covered by us. A pair of speaker pods identical to that would set you back £150. Drop the tweeters and your looking at more like £100 ish.
Hope that helps

Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Posted 06 May 2011 - 09:46 AM
Just a same the speakers look so tatty. I think a new pair will be on the cards when I get some money!

Edited by leaky, 06 May 2011 - 09:47 AM.
Posted 20 May 2011 - 02:33 PM
I am on the hunt for new members of staff, a skilled/qualified joiner, a skilled/qualified upholsterer (or machinist) and an apprentice. Details of all three positions can be found below.
In case you don't already know - here at Optimise Automotive we design, manufacture, sell and distribute vehicle interiors - from seat upholstery and trim, to speaker pods and bespoke fiberglass in car entertainment installs.
We currently specialise in the Classic Mini (as you will know) and over the next 12 months we will be branching out into the VW and MG markets.
Job Details: Joiner
We are looking for a skilled/qualified joiner who has a passion for both cars and joinery, no automotive experience is required, but will help.
Your main responsibility will be to manufacture the wood/MDF/hardboard element of the companies product range. You will also be responsible for manufacturing the wood/MDF/hardboard element of the bespoke work such as boot installs and camper
van interiors.
The position will start part time 8 to 20 hours a week (dictated weekly depending upon on what needs doing – a minimum of 8 hours) and developing into a full time position over the coming months. Pay is negotiable depending upon on qualifications and experience – ranging from £5.50 to £7.50 an hour for under 21’s to £6.50 an hour to £10 for over 21’s. After a 6 month period pay will be reviewed.
Job Details: Upholsterer or Machinist
We are looking for a skilled/qualified upholsterer or machinist who has a passion for both cars and working with upholstery, no automotive experience is required, but will help.
Your main responsibility will be to manufacture the ‘sewing machine’ element of the companies product range. You will also be responsible for manufacturing the ‘sewing machine’ element of the bespoke work such as custom seat upholstery.
The position will start part time 16 to 32 hours a week (dictated weekly depending upon on what needs doing – a minimum of 16 hours) and developing into a full time position over the coming months. Pay is negotiable depending upon on qualifications and experience – ranging from £7 to £8.50 an hour for under 21’s and £8 to £12 an hour for over 21’s. After a 6 month period pay will be reviewed.
Job Details: Apprentice
We are looking to take on a apprentice who is car mad and wants to work in the vehicle trade - but, perhaps fancies a career in something more creative than vehicle mechanics. So strong create and practical skills are essential (art, graphics etc.). The official title of apprenticeship course is "Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors Manufacturing Industry".
Candidates must be a year 11 (currently doing GCSE's).
Location & How To Apply
We are located in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire - so if there is anyone from the area on here who is interested - let me know and I can let you know more about the position.
Or if anyone else knows somebody who could be interested please pass on my details (info below).
Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Website: www.optimise-automotive.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 1782 579 080
Posted 26 May 2011 - 12:25 PM

Thanks guys

Posted 27 May 2011 - 08:11 AM
Just received my order and everything looks fabulous
Had a bit of an issue with one part but a quick ring to optimise has sorted it out, that's what I call customer service! I wouldn't hesitate recommending them to anyone else, I'll post a few pics when its all installed at a later date.
Thanks guys
Thanks - I'll get a replacement dash liner (with NO AIR VENTS) sorted out ASAP.
Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Posted 04 June 2011 - 07:49 PM
Posted 06 June 2011 - 06:18 AM
Can you surply door panel blanks? If so how much for 5 sets at a time?
You have a PM.
Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Posted 21 June 2011 - 07:34 AM
A photo special of the new services on offer - first of all bespoke upholstery:
Bespoke Upholstery: Fibreglass dashboard covering.

Bespoke Upholstery: Fibreglass dashboard & door cards covering.

Price guide:
Although it is impossible to quote without knowing in more detail what you are after - as a guide, below are the prices that standard bits 'n' bobs will cost after September time (although prices are still subject to change these shouldn’t be too far off), before September you can save up to 35%:
Custom Dashboard Covering (prices from/guide)
Vinyl Leatherette: £150
Leather: £300
Alcantara®: £400
Custom Door Card Covering (prices from/guide)
Vinyl Leatherette: £150
Leather: £300
Alcantara®: £400
So basically, if you have anything that needs covering, no matter how custom it may be, get in touch for a free quote.
Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Posted 21 June 2011 - 07:36 AM
Bespoke Seat Upholstery: Rover 220gti seats to go in a Mini

Matching back seat:

Price guide:
Once again although it is impossible to quote without knowing in more detail what you are after - as a guide, below are the prices that standard Mini seat upholstery will cost after September time (although prices are still subject to change these shouldn’t be too far off), before September you can save up to 35%:
MK1 to MK2 (1959 to 1970) Classic Mini's seats (front & back)
Rigid non-reclining seats.
Vinyl Leatherette: £450
Leather: £750
Alcantara®: £950
MK3 to mid-MK6 (1970 to 1993) Classic Mini's seats (front & back)
Single post headrest seats.
Vinyl Leatherette: £500
Leather: £800
Alcantara®: £1000
Mid-MK6 to MK7 (1993 to 2000)
Twin post headrest seats.
Vinyl Leatherette: £550
Leather: £850
Alcantara®: £1050
So as you can see, the more complicated the seat design, the higher the price. Obviously these prices will be for a set design, the more bespoke you make the seats the more they will cost… simples.
Rover 220gti seats
Like the ones above will be as follows (including a Mini back seat, without the embroidery):
Vinyl Leatherette: £650
Leather: £950
Alcantara®: £1150
It’s a full upholstery service that we will be offering - so we strip the seats, repair the foam, paint the frames and re-cover the seats in the covering of your choice. The covers themselves are also backed in foam (into the seat fabrication – it’s not added after).
So in other words, it’s a top notch, top end of the market service, which is obviously reflected in the price.
Once the service is officially launched everything that the service includes will be covered in more detail on the website.
Hope that helps for now, we are still offering seat upholstery at the introduction offers until September, on a first come first serve basis – places (time slots) are filling up quickly so if your interested let me know ASAP.
Andy @ Optimise Automotive
Posted 29 June 2011 - 10:52 PM
Posted 30 June 2011 - 08:12 AM

Posted 30 June 2011 - 08:19 AM
Edited by Leon_mini, 30 June 2011 - 08:20 AM.
Posted 30 June 2011 - 08:56 AM
Did the centre consoles you trialled in 2009 ever take off?
Not yet - the 2009 consoles were simply a 'research' products and after the limited run of 10 it was always the plan to go back to the drawing board, make changes and then release a finished product. However, since then, the 'trim' aspect of the company has gone from strength to strength, so naturally we have switched our attention to that. As you can see though, the development and release of everything classed as 'trim and upholstery' is nearing completion - so over the coming months we will once again be able to switch out attention back to the 'product' aspect.
So watch this space

Andy @ Optimise Automotive
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