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First Time Insurance

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#46 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 05:05 PM

Also, yes, kit car insurance would be ideal. It is very cheap and you can do all manner of modifications. The only problem is that firstly, you'd have to stick your VTEC'd Mini through an SVA, and almost certainly end up with a Q plate, and then you'd have to find an insurance company that will give a kit car policy to someone under 21.

I'm confused by this sorry... I don't understand how a custom built kit car can cost less to insure than a standard car?
Surely theres more possibility of a crash because in general kit cars are a lot faster?
And someone would be more likely to steal it?

Someone please expain why it would be cheaper to insure!?

Im only guessing here, but maybe kit car insurance is cheaper because firstly, maybe people dont tend to steal them? (you aint gonna steal a kit car to sell on, as i wouldnt of thought they are worth as much as other cars). And also, maybe they are GENERALLY fast cars, they are built lovingly by owners who dont want to crash their pride and joy they have spent years building... just some thoughts ;D

Quite possibly. Also, having passed the SVA means the car is up to a certain standard. Modifications to normal cars don't need to have any kind of scrutineering, so how to the insurance companies know how well they've been done?! There is also the conception that a Q plated car is worth less than a 'normal' car.

At the age of 23 I was paying ~£300 for a Q plated fibreglass Mini that I could have done pretty much anything to.

Oh right I see that makes sense... So can you not get this insurance if your under 21? And does the SVA thing cost a lot?

#47 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 05:09 PM

If you want a prespective.. my first insurance quote for a 1275, all mods declared, age 21, Female £1100 fully comp.

;D... Men aren't that much worse... Why do we have to pay so much more!!

Because young male drivers (boy racers) cause most of the accidents statistically.

Insurance companies increase preimiums on certain aspects.. being male is one of them, being under 21... and in the news paper today those caught driving 'without due care or attention' (basically if your caught with something in your hand like a sandwich or an apple, tuning your radio and its got as bad as being caught laughing while driving!!) face higher premiums... in some cases as much as £88.

Nothing you can do about it...

Excuse me? :)
I'm a well educated young man :thumbsup:.. I have no intentions of being a boy race! But no.. I understand what your saying!
Have you been to southend cruise nights and see all the girl racers there!?

Edited by Mini Adam, 21 April 2009 - 05:11 PM.

#48 greenlaner1


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 05:23 PM

i know exactly what adam is talking about, i am in the proccess of converting a mini to r1 power, but will be custom making every part, its a challenge, and i much more enjoy the building proccess than the driving fast, i want to make something unique.

with regards to insuring modified cars, have a read here , i think if you have the funds/space/time and skill for a vtec conversion, then do it!

best thing to do is plan what mods you are going to do and phone around asking for quotes, and tell them all the mods you have done (talk as if you have already done these mods) does that make any sense?

i think everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled to shoot down dreams and plans on assumptions of someone, not all 17year olds are naive and inexperienced, i have raced cars and bikes since i was 13, and know palmer audi drivers who are 17.


#49 Ro8bieg


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 05:32 PM

I think the only answer to this is actually phone up and get quotes (if they don't hang up when they hear the word 'V-TEC')

Edited by Ro8bieg, 21 April 2009 - 05:32 PM.

#50 Q_M


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 07:06 PM

I dont either, but if they can find a way of not needing to pay out they will.

Unfortunatly fronting is the only way many people under 20 can get insured for a price under the value of their car. I'd say at least 90% of them have something untrue on their policy anyway to get the cost down. Nothing major but I bet there are a fair few with "kept in a garage overnight" on their policy when its actually full of rubbish.

This statement has kinda annoyed me.

There is a reason why under 21s find it hard to insure a car... Its because they cause most of the accidents on Britains roads!!!

Telling people to lie on their policy is the only way of reducing the price is bang out of order and is technically fraud.

Named drivers found to be using the cars more than the insurance holder are not covered. I know this as in my first accident the driver who caused the accident was a student at uni, was a named driver and the policy holder was trying her best (his mum) to blame other parties.

The first insurance for a 17 year old will be expensive. Find the cheapest quote and go with it... It will not go down until you start earning no claims, or taking the pass plus course.

You will struggle insuring a 1380 or a vtec mini. Buy a simple 998, start buliding up the no claims, enjoy what a mini is really about, gain some road experience, start customising it to waht you want, then consider doing the conversion.

If you want a prespective.. my first insurance quote for a 1275, all mods declared, age 21, Female £1100 fully comp.

I'm aware of this and I'm not "telling" anyone to do it at all. I'm simply saying about...ooooo....70% of the people I know personally my age do NOT have their own insurance because they can't afford it and its nothing to do with the value of the car.

Boy racers may cause accidents yes, but I drive fairly fast but I've yet to get a speeding ticket, be pulled over by the police (for a reason that they didnt make up once thed pulled me over), hit another car/object or be hit by another car. I've been driving two years and my first car was a 1.8tdi Focus (named driver -£600 ) which I still have and is parked outside with the Mini (named driver -£600 ) now. My grandma on the other hand has written off several sports cars (the last of which was an Aero Saab) and last week backed out into an oncoming car on a main road. Yea statistically boys are worse but that dosnt mean we all are - on the other hand theres nothing better than a good sweeping generalisation.

Now I need to get back to my Mini and take the polish off.

people seem to be putting their views accross as to what they think of v-tec minis and not actually answering the boys questions, if HE wants to have a v-tec as his first car and HE can afford it then there is no reason why not. Q M you say why bother to have a fast car if you dont drive fast, have you ever heard of track days? Just because he is young it wont mean he will drive like a male member, i know people with 998s that drive like lewis hamilton, on public roads. People should stick to answering the guys question.


I'm sure loads of 17 year old can have a spare track car knocking about. I just don't see the point in having a car thats so incredably fast on the road when you can't legally use 80% of its power? I know any car is fast if its driven right but we're talking about something thats going to eat Ferraris off the line and hes 17.

#51 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 07:11 PM

I'm sure loads of 17 year old can have a spare track car knocking about. I just don't see the point in having a car thats so incredably fast on the road when you can't legally use 80% of its power? I know any car is fast if its driven right but we're talking about something thats going to eat Ferraris off the line and hes 17.

Do I detect some jealousy? :thumbsup:

Haha nah I totally understand what your saying man.. but like I said... I want to try out something a bit different... I don't want to build the fastest car in the world.. that would not be the point of the conversion. I would get so much satisfaction out of doing it.

#52 huntface


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 07:24 PM

You've got to remember boys that insurance companies don't give a fig about how you might drive it - they certainly aren't going to come and watch you drive about a bit and think "Umm...this kid doesn't deserve to be tarred with the rest, we'll do him a cheap deal".

The statistics say that 17-21 year old lads cause the most accidents, so being the bookies that they are, insurance companies will set the odds at a level that makes it unattractive to the punter and beneficial to them.

QM you may be a saint on the road, but insurance companies don't care about individuals. Your age dictates how much you'll pay

Edited by huntface, 21 April 2009 - 07:25 PM.

#53 Q_M


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 07:53 PM

I'm sure loads of 17 year old can have a spare track car knocking about. I just don't see the point in having a car thats so incredably fast on the road when you can't legally use 80% of its power? I know any car is fast if its driven right but we're talking about something thats going to eat Ferraris off the line and hes 17.

Do I detect some jealousy? :thumbsup:

Haha nah I totally understand what your saying man.. but like I said... I want to try out something a bit different... I don't want to build the fastest car in the world.. that would not be the point of the conversion. I would get so much satisfaction out of doing it.

haha not jealous no, I'm after a fairly major engine to go in my next Mini which I am currently looking for a garage space for, I totally understand the fact you want to customise a car. Thats why I'm only 99% happy with my Sportpack. Its 100% original and looks gorgeous, everone loves it, it sounds beautiful, gets photos taken of it by tourists and people stop me to talk about it....BUT.....theres load of Sportpacks. Its not mine and I don't want to customise this one because its perfect the way it is and I'd feel like I was wrecking it in a way....so I'm going to get a mid 80s Mini and wreck that instead :thumbsup:

#54 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 08:06 PM

haha not jealous no, I'm after a fairly major engine to go in my next Mini which I am currently looking for a garage space for, I totally understand the fact you want to customise a car. Thats why I'm only 99% happy with my Sportpack. Its 100% original and looks gorgeous, everone loves it, it sounds beautiful, gets photos taken of it by tourists and people stop me to talk about it....BUT.....theres load of Sportpacks. Its not mine and I don't want to customise this one because its perfect the way it is and I'd feel like I was wrecking it in a way....so I'm going to get a mid 80s Mini and wreck customise that instead :thumbsup:


Edited by Mini Adam, 21 April 2009 - 08:08 PM.

#55 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 09:41 PM

Has anyone else had a VTEC insured at 17?

#56 greenlaner1


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 09:53 PM

Has anyone else had a VTEC insured at 17?

got a quote for £800 from performance direct at 17...

as said before, phone around and find out because it will be different for everyone


#57 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:04 PM

Has anyone else had a VTEC insured at 17?

got a quote for £800 from performance direct at 17...

as said before, phone around and find out because it will be different for everyone


£800 for a VTEC Mini at 17? That's nothing!

#58 greenlaner1


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:10 PM

yep, limited to 3000 miles


#59 Mini Adam

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:11 PM

yep, limited to 3000 miles


was that normal insurance or kit car?

#60 greenlaner1


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:23 PM

it was modified car insurance link

most classic car insurance companies offer this option, just do a search on google, get some phone numbers and spend a few hours on the phone :thumbsup:

also se the link i posted earlier, has everything you need to know


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