You'll note there are no BL or Austin Rover Minis listed, all the Minis I've owned from that era have been registered as Austin regardless of what it said on the badges.
I suppose the "scrapped" figure will be fairly accurate since Sorn came in, it will include exports and those that have migrated to the racetrack (unless they are just sorned?) but still a worryingly large number.
Thanks Ethel that makes more sense now.................all my BL/Austin-Rover era Minis badged only as "Mini" were Austin in the log book now you mention it..
Yes a worryingly large number still being scrapped each year, hopefully more Mini owners will make the effort to save accident damaged or MOT failure Minis but this scrappage listing on Ebay is not a good sign:-|294:50
I would not object to anyone saving it with a suitable donor V5 to beat this Government scrappage scheme!!
Someone buy it!