Gallileo Gauges - Custom Clock Faces
Posted 27 October 2009 - 10:21 PM
just like Harrods, we're having a Christmas sale so you can buy all those you truly love
(the Mini) or even your mates some lovely new clock faces at bargain prices.
The standard range faces are cut to just £8:99 and custom jobs (guaranteed in time for
Christmas) start at just £17:50 !
Check out the new Christmas Web Site (it's the old site with some holly on the corners)
or just click my sig below. You can see the standard range, read about how small or simple changes are FREE and get some
inspiration for custom jobs by looking through the gallery of pictures (mostly submitted by TMF members).
Ho ho ho - as a credit crunch special every tenth custom order will be FREE as a Christmas present from us !
Best wishes
Posted 28 October 2009 - 07:49 PM
Posted 28 October 2009 - 08:26 PM
because i got a kawasaki gpz1000rx that needs a clock-lift!
Posted 28 October 2009 - 09:23 PM
do you only do mini clocks?
because i got a kawasaki gpz1000rx that needs a clock-lift!
We have the original graphic template files for the Mini clocks so they are the main event
but if you could lend us your clocks for half a day we could reproduce them and then design
anything you like to go on them. (We're in Birmingham).
Best wishes
Posted 28 October 2009 - 11:03 PM
a big apology to Clubby and 1275 owners - our big mistake has been not to make clear that YES we do clocks for Clubmans
and 1275 Minis where the numerals on your instruments are printed onto the plastic bezel and not onto the face itself.
We need to put some pics up on the site of Clubby/1275 versions and we'll get on with that as soon as pos.
So YES we do Clubman and 1275 GT clocks, YES they are the same price as the 'standard' clocks on the web site and
YES we can produce bespoke designs for Clubbys and 1275s in exactly the same way as for the round nose brigade !
So we're sorry to Clubby and 1275 owners for not making it clear.
In the next week or so there will be a "no numbers" version of every clock on the site.
In the meantime, please click the sig and check out the site and for now, just imagine the lack of numbers !
Best wishes
Edited by MiniMonty, 28 October 2009 - 11:29 PM.
Posted 06 November 2009 - 10:30 PM
over the past few weeks while the industrial action by the Communication Workers Union
has been going on we have been quite badly affected. Maybe it's because we're in Birmingham which is
a massive central hub for the Royal Mail, maybe we've just been unlucky.
(especially as we've just started our Christmas Sale) !
We have sent out all the orders we have processed via the web site, through email or PMs
but some have inevitably been delayed and some have even been returned as undelivered.
The Royal Mail and the union have now made a pledge that there will be no further strikes before
Christmas so please rest assured that all orders received from now on will meet our target delivery time
of 7 days or less from date of purchase and that all the previous orders which have been delayed or returned
should now be delivered within a few days.
Best wishes
MODS - please forgive the cross post in Chat and Styling but I think this deserves to be well read all
round by folks who've spent their money and not received anything.
Posted 04 January 2010 - 02:58 AM
Did you ever get the centre speedo finished?
Posted 04 January 2010 - 10:37 AM

Posted 04 January 2010 - 11:50 AM
I cant get the website to work
Neither can I !!
It's down today and I'm trying to work out why....
Best wishes
Posted 04 January 2010 - 11:52 AM
any joy on the magenta dial set to go with my dashboard design??
Yes - got a few designs for you - but no website and no email today (weird...)
so I'll send some over as soon as the email is back up (hopefully today) !
Best wishes
Posted 04 January 2010 - 02:27 PM
I cant get the website to work
Neither can I !!
It's down today and I'm trying to work out why....
Best wishes
ahhh ok its not just me then. Was also worried you had decieded to throw in the towel!
So.... any news on centre dials?!
Posted 04 January 2010 - 02:30 PM
I remember you did trials and then didnt carry on producing them?
Could you make me some and how much
Posted 05 January 2010 - 12:19 AM
Re centre clocks.
Hi chaps, thanks for your interest in the centre clock face.
Once we had sorted a prototype product that required the minimum of mucking about with your original clock we
sent out the samples and the feedback was all good. They did look fantastic when fitted and people thought that our
suggested price of £9:99 was about right. But then other things took over, then the Christmas rush started and
I'll confess the centre clocks did move to the back burner. And then off the cooker. And then into the fridge...
Our first job for the new year is to get back to work on the centre clock faces and on the basis of the feedback from the
Guinea Pig testers we hope to have a tip top product ready by February.
Watch this space...
When it launches we will announce it here and in the Styling section so you won't miss it.
Best wishes

Posted 08 January 2010 - 09:32 PM
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