ok , front subframe is out , found more rust when i cut the drivers side a-panel off , i did this so i could grind the nuts off the door hinge ....
must have a word with my dad "a few sills son"

cant grumble .. i got the car for free.
once subframe was out the way , i welded in the bulkhead box , and gave it a spray of etch primer.
tacked in to start with :

then painted :

as i keep jumping from job to job , i got the quick release steering wheel adaptor welded to the end of the Corsa EPS coloumn :

and tested the steering wheel on it , a small bit of play in the quick release , will have a look at that another time :

gave the subframe a coat of etch primer as well :

stripped old front subframe of parts , will be running rubber up front ..

tommorows jobs are to trim inner wings (done one) and fit the subframe ready to drop engine in. Will also get some 2mm sheet for the spreader plates for the rear subframe mounts.