Hi Guys
I am reading this with some trepidation as I need to get mine MOT'd at some point and dont want my car getting crushed nor do I want a Q plate.
I dont want to start a sh!t fight so please allow me voice my opinion and I in no way mean this personally to anyone writing on here, I am more peeved with the mess of the rules than anything else.
Tommy as an MOT tester maybe you can shed light on the subject - I fail to see how putting a zcars kit into a mini does any of the things that are in the above statement, maybe I am missing the point so please put me in the picture if I am. I have broken down the points in the statement below:
1) significantly reduces the original strength of the car - surely with the addition of the space frame/roll cage in the car the overall strength greatly exceeds that of the original car.
2) excessive corrosion - it doesnt cause corrosion and this would be more for the body panels as the spaceframe/rollcage would be new any way.
3) Severe Distortion - it doesnt do that, if anything it helps to not distort the original car.
4) A fracture or an inadequate repair of a load bearing member or its supporting structure or supporting panel within 30cm of any sub-frame, spring or suspension component mounting that is within a 'prescribed area' - Again I refer to my observation about the strength of the space frame going into the car that replaces many of the original parts with stronger, better solutions. This includes the original sub-frames both front and rear as it can't be argued that the new Zcars rear structure or front sub-frame are in any way 'an inadequate repair' as they wouldnt pass an SVA test in those cars that have been built with that very purpose in mind.
5) Appendix C - I dont have the ability to view this so cant comment.
I agree that the car is radically altered, there is absolutely no getting away from that, I dont see how it could fail an MOT an any of the things in the VOSA statement as this would surely mean that every Zcar, even with a new reg would never pass an MOT or am I really way off the mark here??
Again Tommy I am not arguing against you personally, so please dont take it that I am. Like it has been said earlier in the thread it is such a grey area that VOSA really need to update their rulings on such things or make them much more black and white across the whole organisation as it hardly seems fair that a person can go to one office and get an OK and another office wont allow it.
What does VOSA stand for again? - Very Obstructive Significantly Annoying?
Edited by cptkirk, 19 February 2009 - 08:35 AM.