Strange Insurance Mix Up / Poss Scam
Posted 16 December 2008 - 11:47 AM

Posted 16 December 2008 - 12:47 PM

For those interested in the outcome, its almost sorted out now. Have spoken with the insurance company (a couple of them, one was taken over by the other and it took a while to find out which one was going to take responsibility) I have been told theat they will canx and refund all the money as soon as they get a V888 from the DVLA which details when the Van was sold on- I have had a lucky escape from an expensive lesson it seems!
The DVLA charge for this of course! No matter what you do someone has their hand in your pocked! They charge AND it can take four weeks! If I have got to pay it would be nice for them to get their butts in gear sooner! I suppose I cant really grumble, After all It was my fault and DVLA only charge £5, it could have been worse! It will be a nice refund though.

I hope this does teach you to check your bank statements and post more regularly from now on, that and my nagging should help

I didn't post before as I'd been speaking to Neil about this anyway, but I do think it's ridiculous for Insurance companies to have the auto-renew policy, it should be an opt in rather than an automatic policy. That and that the cover letter states that upon the receipt of no reply they will take it to be an acceptance and agreement to the policy... what the hell?

As for "protecting" themselves from persecution from riled customers, load of tripe! It's so that they maximise profit where they can by charging customers who like Neil who do not check things and read all of the contract!
In this case I am very glad to see that they are willing to refund the money on the policy with relatively little hassle, but I can imagine a lot of companies out there would just say tough luck and tell you to be on your merry way!
Posted 18 December 2008 - 10:02 AM
that and my nagging should help

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