youre a crazy guy but i like the idea... hows it all going anyway????
Hi mate, I know I'm crazee but someone has to do it, why not me.

Been busy since last post - chrissy rush an all. Anyways, been busy on fleabay and now have a few more goodies>>>>
1 tonne forklift stacker - whohoo no more struggling lifting engines or cars

Corsa dti speedo.

Set of low mileage Rover 25 seats

Vauxhall Diagnostic lead.

Also got software for above lead, tells you everything about your setup and lets you tweak your engine up to an uber grossen 135hp - kool

Getting a Corsa subframe and together with one of my mini subframes, I'm going to attempt to produce a b*stard from them - if not its probably going to be an allsport jobby otherwise.

More soon - I hope to get a few bitz done over the crimbo break.