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#106 philster


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:02 PM

OMG is your system running through mac just noticed the imovie icon and hard drive icon are these just the icons your using or are you useing mac?

Nope its not a mac, got it set up so that it runs mediaengine immendiately on startup, got to do a few tweeks to the o/s (XP pro) to make it boot quicker.

#107 philster


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:04 PM

that looks rather snazzy indeed, are you going to be running a propper in car psu, or sticking to the invertor?

well done!! :) :dontgetit:

I'm gonna get a proper psu although the board doesn't take an atx input i'm condfident that i can adapt one to work. I'm gonna get a 200w one just to be safe the one that came with the pc is 150w so 200 will cover it fine.

#108 philster


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:10 PM

Weldone this looks great what cost would you say it took for your whole kit?

Motherboard with intel celeron 400mhz processor, 256ram and 10 gig hardrive cost me nothing, got given it when i did an upgrade for someone, has onboard sound and graphics with the all important tv-out.

7" TFT Screen cost me £130 from maplin (special offer) which i then sprayed black and built into the dash.
USB keypad cost me £9 delivered from hongkong (toom about 3 days)
Power invertor cost £30 from maplin although will be replaced with a proper 12volt PSU for about the same price.
Media engine software downloaded of internet Free
Audio leads connected to pioneer DEH-P7700MP headunit via homemade lead.
headphones to rca adaptor £3

So its cost me £172 to build but of course the pc itself didn't cost anything.

#109 mini_sam


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:14 PM

soo, at the moment can you run the car and drive with the pc/music on using that invertor??

...o yerrr, and what is this hanging out? :erm:

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#110 philster


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:34 PM

Thats to turn it on and off, (don't worry it doesn't use mains voltage or anything) I'm gonna make a swtch panel from ally and mount it on the dash so that i've still got a reset and on/off button as well as the power led and HDD led.

#111 mini_sam


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:36 PM

sooo does your setup now enable you to run the pc whilst the car is driving, as the invertor's overheat and are not supposed to be used are they? :erm:

your setup is looking mint by the way!

#112 Podcake


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:55 PM

nice setup mate i do like ( mine isnt screen based because my budget went to £20 lol) keep the work up :)

#113 philster


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 10:39 PM

sooo does your setup now enable you to run the pc whilst the car is driving, as the invertor's overheat and are not supposed to be used are they? :erm:

your setup is looking mint by the way!

Nope but it aint on the road at the moment anyway as i'm doing loads of bodywork and welding to it, i'm hoping to get the psu in next few weeks as soon as i have sufficient funds and then i can install it properly.

I may also upgrade to an itx board at some point i the future so i can run more memory and a faster processor to try and increase the bootup speeds, plus it will also mean i can run better sound card but that will have to wait a while.

#114 mini_sam


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 10:47 PM

oooh thats cool, i think i am best off saving up for the actual psu then!

...now i need a 35£ psu, and about a 70£ screen! :nugget:

im looking at around hundred for the two, but i am going to bowlers computer fair next saturday so i may be able to pick up some of these parts much. much cheaper!! :)

#115 BlAck0ut


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 11:12 PM

Philster I have a Audigy 2 lying around that i replaced as the mic port dosnt work. As you probably wont use that in your car maybe you would be intrested in haivng it cheap or swapping for some mini bits?

Just a thought

#116 ed4ran


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Posted 23 July 2005 - 11:14 PM

I think the only reason those Invertors heat up when the car is running is because they dont have any input regulation (so they cant accept anything other than 12v) so if you put a 12v regulator in then they should work with engine on?!?!?!
Reason for this thinking is that when the engine is running and the alternator is powering everything it can increase the voltage, some cars upto 18v(???) and thats the same reason for having 12v regulators for the dials

Anyone think otherwise?

#117 philster


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Posted 24 July 2005 - 10:55 AM

i have thought about this and it would be far cheaper to get a better invertor than mess about with the one i've got, the ones i've seen cost more than the invertor!

#118 Podcake


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Posted 24 July 2005 - 08:43 PM

to be honest my inverter was a £20 jobby ( good ratings tho) and it just gets run in the car ( has run for well over an hour at a time before with no issue) so its pot luck how it runs really!


#119 mini_sam


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Posted 24 July 2005 - 08:56 PM

so you can run them on an invertor, and without a screen?

sooo pOdcake, your system runs when the car engine is running, and you have no screen?


#120 philster


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Posted 25 July 2005 - 10:08 PM

Made a bit more progress today, have decided to ditch the ps2 case as i though it looked messy and modify the original chassis that the motherboard came with.

Here's a few pics of my progress, hoping to make a lid for it and spray it up tomorrow all being well.

Original un modded chassis.
Posted Image

Modded chassis after cut and shut with motherboard and hardrive fitted.
Posted Image

Back of chassis with all the right holes in the right places, looks a lot neater and should look really proffesional with lid on and sprayed.
Posted Image

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