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#76 ed4ran


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 05:51 PM

Right how does this sound
This is what im putting in
7" touch screen
This for a case
And could i use parts from this
Id also put a cdrw drive into it.
So compents on what would be better or what else i need to purchhase
And thanks ed4ran for the help

minimanshane, as i said b4, you can use either of those 2 comps as they have motherboards, and PSUs!!!

The first would be more uptodate (but cost more) the second would be older, cheaper, but comes with a cpu and ram!! (so you need less to set that up)
You wont need both!! (Just have a quick read of the descriptions and they say what else you need)

#77 mini_sam


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 06:13 PM

does anybody have anymore information on building PC's, i have spotted a motherboard and processor (AMD Athlon 800mhz) on ebay. this will be for a PC in my room, allthough, still fairly small...what else do i need to get this baby running? thanku! :grin:

#78 philster


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 06:25 PM

Okay list of components for a pc

Firstly you need a motherboard
Then you need a suitable porcessor with heatsink and fan
You will also need some memory, this will depend on what the motherboard can take as to which type you get, ddr is best and the higher the number the better it is.
Then you need a hardrive
Case and psu (usually supplied with case)
Then you need drives like a cd-rom and floppy drive (minimum)
Other things you may need a are graphics and sound cards unless the motherboard already has them integrated.
Other than this you need the obvious things like a monitor keyboard and mouse.

When you've got all this and built it you will need an operating system such as windows xp this will have to be installed on the hardrive before you can actually use it.

#79 minifan2005


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 08:44 PM

thankyou very much for the list of items you need to make this, ill keep my eye out for bargains as always lol
thankyou for your help

#80 mini_sam


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 09:38 PM

i think i will have all the parts needed now!! all i need to know is what sort of psu is needed for in car use? thanks alot! :)

#81 Podcake


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 10:11 PM

well another short comment here.

I control mine off JUST a keyboard ( it doesnt have a screen)- when it boots it boots winamp and one other programme ( called winkey)

they are both free to download inkey enables me to chose the album/ playlist I want ( for example I push "windows key+ ctrl+f" and that starts felldwood mac,)clearly thats not easy for driving so i just have to select the playlist before I set off. to change the track I use the number keys:

5 is play and pause
0 is stop
4 and 6 skip

its like a cd player to operate

am in the process of making an infra red connector for it ( so i can use my ' multi use, all in one' TV remote in the car - now that will be cool if i can pull it off)

the power supply you need s anything above about 90 watts for something like mine spec wise ( depending what u want to run) 550 watt psu will not be a problem running of a 200 watt inverter ( as long as you dont run it at peak)

anyhow mine could just about handle it ( i run a 500watt RMS 900 watt peak beast inverter wise - only £20 too)

and as to what u need for this to make one, remember:
the bigger, older, less desirable and slower you can get THE CHEAPER

if people are really interested i can look into building one to spec for them ( but it will take time - like lots of time)


#82 Podcake


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 10:15 PM

just spotted this:


try that people thats a prime example of what i would go for ( infact were i in the country i might bid on it)

its small ( micro ATX)
it has onboard lots of things ( so you dont need big /tall cards to provide outputs)
its cheap
has memory, chip
all u need is a case, a hdd and a psu

that is literally all you need to get that running on the hardware side


#83 mini_sam


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 10:23 PM

o crikey lol, please dont anyone bid on that...i am the current winning bidder!! price134 (my name is sam price) :)
i hope i win it, i just need a psu now as i have a hdd, can anyone help?
many thanks for not bidding! :grin: :erm:

#84 mini_sam


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Posted 21 July 2005 - 10:32 PM

can anyone tell me the exact stuff needed for use as a psu, i have seen the actual ones on ebay, but they are too dear, anyway of getting around this? thanks people!! :cool:

#85 nag1_uk


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 11:53 AM

dam it all this talking about the car pc has just hit my credit card! Just ordered my screen, power supply, cd adapter ( allows use of a slim line ie laptop cd cdrive off a normal ide chain!) and gps software!
Its all good

Now I need, motherboard, cpu, ram and some sort of case, going to be looking on ebay myself for this stuff as it will be a lot cheaper. Want a newish setup with usb 2 etc. I think I will steal one of my hard drives in my house PC for now.


#86 mini_sam


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 12:11 PM

what sort of psu did you use nag? an actual mini chip thing, or use some sort of invertor (the cheap way)?

#87 nag1_uk


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 01:30 PM

I have ordered:
this is my soon to be screen

Now I have not tried this but seems to offer alot for a reasonable sum of cash. Do not like the idea of an inverter, although I do own a 500W one for other uses.

If you read the www.mp3car.com forums you will see why many people do not use them. Battery life, resarting when engine starts etc.

Remember when looking at screens that the resolution on tv's are not as good as PC monitors so if it being used for pc type applications you will have difficulty seeing all the info. If you get a mini pc monitor, although it will be expensive the resolution will make it far better!


#88 mini_sam


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 01:35 PM

that screen is sm0o0o0o0o0oth!! what sort of kit do you need to run an invertor, and how is it setup? :)

#89 nag1_uk


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 01:40 PM

Depending on its power, small ones plug into fag lighter, larger ones need to clipped to battery. Both of course can be chopped about to allow it to be hard wired as desired.
Then apply power and plug in computer into ac socket mounted on it! Very simple.
But remember there are downfalls. This is why I have stayed clear

#90 mini_sam


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 01:44 PM

ahhh you see i am on a very, very tight budget, i have purchased a micro atx motherboard with a 800mhz duron...could anyone point me in the right direction of what sort of invertor i need, a link to ebay or a shop etc...o and some help on how to wire it up, many thanks people, i appreciate all of your kind help!! :) :cool:

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