Posted 18 July 2005 - 06:37 PM
If your planning on having a very small 2200Mhz pc and still have it vey small will there not be cooling problems?!
Posted 18 July 2005 - 06:38 PM
mini ITX i presume?
how much did it cost you?
mine u see was made on a budget and to be SOLID, so its fairly big
Posted 18 July 2005 - 06:40 PM
erm, yes and no, i have plans of how to cool it adequately, simply all the air thru the system will go accross the chip and straight out again to try and keep it cool
Posted 18 July 2005 - 06:44 PM
800mhz (max is 1.3ghz)
512mb Ram (upto 1GB),
20gb HDD
mini 200w PSU that runs off 12v
Usual ports, USB, Firewire, TV out, Lan etc.
Mother board is a Shuttle FV24
Posted 18 July 2005 - 10:57 PM
The spec is a 400mhz celeron and does all i need really it can play mp3 as well as movie files and also things like autoroute, its not much slower than my home pc on boot up either and could be sped up by disabling a few things not used.
I've been looking at the epia boards but to be honest changed my mind as i won't really gain much from them apart from a small reduction in size.
This is a pic of the setup i'm gonna use although the hardrive will probably be replaced with a smaller laptop one (2.5") which should also be a bit better for coping with bumps.

Posted 18 July 2005 - 11:09 PM

well let me know how fast yours boots ( ive gotten mine to under 60seconds- which isnt bad for a 400 Mhz AMD K6-2 thats booting win XP pro

anyhow, the next one will boot fast

Posted 19 July 2005 - 07:47 AM
Posted 19 July 2005 - 09:41 AM
The only other problem i've got is a power supply, i don't want to use an invertor (already running one for the ps2) and the 12v ones aren't made for this board so i'll probably have to butcher one to make it fit.
What o/s are you all running? i'm using xp at the mo (hence the slow bootup with only 64ram!) although i have got 95/98 and Me but they don't tend to be as reliable.
Posted 19 July 2005 - 12:36 PM
So then i had a brainwave

have you guessed what it is yet?

yup a ps2 or pc2 as i've now nicknamed it.
Had a look at 12v power supplies as well today and i can get one for £30 so with the hardrive and key pad it'll come to £70 to finish things off, just need to make some holes in the side for the cables to go in and i'll be able to finish it.
The only thing i'm a bit worried about is the sound quality, had a look on a few forums and a lot of people don't use the onboard sound, only problem is i can only use the onboard sound as there are no pci slots on the board eeek!
Posted 19 July 2005 - 01:53 PM
Were could i pic up a cheap computer also could you actually run the computer as in applications?
Posted 19 July 2005 - 02:10 PM
I'm intending to use it mainly for mp3, but will also be running stuff like autoroute, it may also come in handy for uploading pictures from my digital camera etc.Fluppin class!!!!
Were could i pic up a cheap computer also could you actually run the computer as in applications?
You could use it for anything although you couldn't run any good games on it really as it isnt powerful enough but thats not an issue because i've got the ps2.
You can also get gps modules which plug into the usb which could be useful (especially for spotting speedtraps etc.)
As for picking up cheap pc's try the computer markets, you can get a base spec 400mhz ready to go for as little as £30, then you'd obvioulsy need to get the necessary power supply etc to use it and also a reasonable size tft (i'm running a 7") oh and don't forget it needs to have a tv-out.
Posted 19 July 2005 - 03:33 PM
You'd also need to buy a pci graphics card (from what it says it aint got agp) with tv-out so that you can link it to a tft screen, or you could try and get a screen whcih can work as a monitor thus using the normal input.
Posted 19 July 2005 - 03:59 PM
How exactly does the computer connect to the speakers? Thorough a head unit?
Posted 19 July 2005 - 04:15 PM
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