how loud is your mini ben????? does it sound like audable sex? also how low is it? whats your shocks set to??? what shocks are they? do you wipe with your left hand or your right????
oh wait hang on... just found all the answers on previous pages:/
hey ben i love the 1380 ur building back up i wish i could but dont have that sort of money atm
does ur single box exhaust (maniflow) pop and bang on the over run as mine does but mine is a rc40 i want to lower my mini more at the back do you reckon i could get away with havin it jus above the rear tyres i have spax shocks all round etc and you put in any more of the luxuries yet lol and do you have any more plans for the mini cheers mate
CaptainBland08 found the infomation on previous pages, I have no idea about your car or what spec/weight everything is on it. Just do it and see if it works, stop asking everyone how low their cars are.
Thanks for the compliments on my car though, keeps me going knowing someone else is liking it.
I fitted a new headunit today, dvd player and everything, I put a quick video on my youtube but it's pointless, you all know what a dvd looks like and all know what a headunit looks like

No more luxuries yet, looking to get a reversing camera, I know it's pointless in a mini, but it's something to show off with

More sound deadening and sound system to be fitted yet, although im going to concentrate on uni a bit more now as it's my last few months and it kinda counts.