As I stormed out of the garage, I saw oil pooring from the block...
If the engine fell over, then oil is probably coming through the pushrod holes?
Good shout, but was actualy out of breather, great, no cracks....a squashed exhaust...
Dirt cheap, or even bendable.
Will get the blow torch out tomorrow and bash it back somewhere near close....smashed brand new lambda probe...
Bummer, but not the end of the world.
Only done 3 miles...and a nice big dent in the front of the car...
Admittedly, that sucks. I appreciate the fact you're skint, but going without a car every now and then is just part of being a student, owning a mini.
Oh and going without a car every now and again would be great, but this thing has seen the road for around 4 days in the past 2 months. Mainly money slowing me down, but this knocking problem has put it off the road for over a week, but i've been on a very poor holiday.
Tomorrow, engine will be inspected further, all seems well for now, will need a new fuel pump(have spare), bell housing and drop gears/bearings (have spares)
Tomorrow engine will have the 286 removed and a standard cam fitted.
Not bothered about exhaust now, as it's getting a whole new custom made system

Technical minded among you will work this one out.

I shall be borrowing a decent torque wrench and fitting a central oil pickup into a gearbox and fit that.
This is to get the car on the road, so I can work, make a bit of money and soon have a rather nippy little car.
Still not sure what the banging was that spured the engine removal.
But there sure are some bad scoreing from the drop gears.
Looks like too much side loading to me, all bearings are still like new.
Straight cuts would be nice.

You can't see it well, but there is quite a deep score mark from the middle drop gear.

Same here.
No play in anything though, which is weird.
ANy ideas on what was causing the noise? only made it with clutch engaged?
Will inspect engine tomorrow.
Oh and the more money spent HERE!!!!!!!!!!! the quicker my car will be repaired!
