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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#76 mini_mad69


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 01:58 PM

11 days after paying for the piston ring aaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd..............................

nothing. This is just getting stupid, I had hoped to have the engine together so that I could come home on a weekend and put it in the car and take it for an MOT. Tomorrow is the last chance for it to arrive. If it doesnt it's going to be off the road for a while, only being able to come home on weekends. >_<

Edited by mini_mad69, 02 January 2009 - 01:59 PM.

#77 mini_mad69


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 12:45 PM


#78 Jordie


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 12:52 PM

Doh. Wheres it ordered from?

#79 mini_mad69


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 02:17 PM

Mini_Kel off here.

#80 mini_mad69


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 10:43 PM

Ok after negotiationg with TOMF I have another piston ring coming, I gave up waiting for Mini_kel's piston ring and have now opened a dispute through paypal.
Tom posted the ring 1st class the day after my payment was recieved and im very gratefull to him. It should Arrive tomorrow or friday, im going home friday night, so I can put the car together maybe this weekend. Can't wait to get it back on the road now :P

#81 mini_mad69


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Posted 09 January 2009 - 11:26 PM

OK got home today cost me 32 quid on the train!

I didnt get as much as I'd hoped due to a few set backs.
My new piston ring went on nicely, (thanks TOMF), took all the caps off and put loads of STP on them, all torqued up. It kept siezing when being torqued, so did it a bit at a time then would turn it over then tighten it up a bit more. All ok again now. So I went to adjust and tighten the chain tensioner and the :D bolt snapped!!!!! So had to take all of the timing gear and cam out and get the mole grips on what was left of the bolt, then put it all back together again. Then mated the block to the gearbox, struggled with this because the rubber seal kept moving and not letting them sit flush. But now thats sorted. I couldn't put on the timing chain cover on because my large sockets for the nut on the timing gear, are down in the garage so ill go over and get them tomorrow. So then I thought id bolt on the bell housing, but I couldnt get the clip that holds on the 1st motion shaft bearing shell out, another thing im going to have a go at tomorrow. Ive also noticed there are 1 or 2 pieces missing from my clutch, so im going to have to take more parts off my scrap 998 too get it together.

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Sheard Bolt.

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Going too see how far I get tomorrow, my mate should be coming over with a carb, air filter and rad top hose for me tomorrow, hopefully.

#82 mini_mad69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:15 AM

Ok a little bit of progress, just got in from the worshop. First thing to do was to change the shell for the 1str motion shaft bearing. I did the heating up and banging on a bit of wood meathod. Was going well and the shell started to move right up until it came to the lip, which was a little bit scratched and graunched due to trying to get the spring clip out, I didn't realise this and kept smacking it until the bell housing broke, :(. So I then had to wait 2 or so hours for my mate to come with his flywheel puller so I could get a bell housing off one of my many 998s. Eventualy he did arrive and all was well, shell came out nicely and that was sorted. So I torqued up the timing gears and bolted on the housing and the pulley. Then cleaned up the gasket surfaces on the bell housing(took ages, ended up using a blowtorch to loosen it off), mounted up the bell housing after filing an imperfection on the end of the crank. The set to work re-doing the clutch and flywheel assembly that my mate put together as it was completly wrong. Again all torqued up. Then all of the rest was put on and it was mostly done, im going to put the head on once its in the car as it makes the engine so much lighter to manouver and is easier to torque up the head when bolted to the car. I have to somehow get the engine down to the garage from my workshop with no appropriate vehicle, it's not far about 1/4 or 1/2 mile so I might stick it on a skateboard and push it down or see if I can get it in a wheel barrow. I ususualy use a sack truck but that's up my nan's house where I did my first engine transplant.

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Stupid alluminium, one broken bell housing.

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Stripped 998 for bell housing

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Second 998 stripped for clutch parts.

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Almost finished 1380

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As you can see there are some mucky bits, this is because they were changed at the last minute from the 998, I may clean this up but im not sure if I'll have time now.

Also I was looking at my rockers, they are different to my 998 engines. Can anyone identify them?

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I am also going to me mounting up the cylinder head tomorrow, Ive had head gasket problems in the past on a previous engine, I used gasket compound on it and it lasted alot longer. What do people recomend, use it or not because a mechanic at my old work told me that I shoudln't use?
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As my current engine is pre verto Ive had to dig out a load of pre verto gear, including the slave cylinder mounting bracket that was rusty. So gave that a wuick wire brush and a splash of paint. White ofcourse, because im too cheap to go buy a different colour.

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My mate did come over but only brought his fly wheel puller and a top hose for me, he wants me to get the carb off his engine as he can't be bothered, fair enough seeing as how he's giving it too me, but he lives 7 miles away and don't have transport to his house. May have to ask another favour off him.
Should be another update tomorrow, well today, but you know, hopefully not as many setbacks tomorrow.


#83 mini_mad69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 10:52 PM

You ever get the feeling your talking to yourself? Where is everyone? :-

Well today, I got a little bit more done. Firstly I put one or more parts on the engine, not alot. My mate is in England somewhere so I couldn't use his jeep to transport the engine, so it was lifted into a wheel barrow and I had to walk it down to the garage, my wrist hurt after this but seems ok now. Popped it into the car, had to take it out as I welded captive nuts onto the engine mounts and I couldn't get them to line up properly and then realised one of them was a little fubard. So swapped them over. Put all the bits on, realy struggled with the radiator, usualy takes about 2 mins but it just wouldnt go on, I think it was mostly due to the fact that there is a breather on the timing case and the bottom hose didn't fit around it properly. Anyway it's all on now, The engine turns over fine on the starter motor, I was a little worried as the engine was quite hard to turn over but it's fine. All valves move and timing is right. All that I need now is too get an inlet manifold and a carb off my mate who let me down, again The only problem with the engine is a tiny little oil dribble coming out of the diff side plates. Ill change this in the future and am hoping that I will be able to do the bolts up a touch more when warm, or I will change the gasket when I come to do the first oil change.

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Im going back to uni tomorrow so im not sure when the next update will be.

Comments welcome.

#84 Tomf


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:00 PM

Good to see your making progress mate :-

Have you adjusted the tappets yet?

#85 mini_mad69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:03 PM

Good to see your making progress mate :-

Have you adjusted the tappets yet?

Yup set them straight away. Yeah im glad progress is finally being made.

#86 AndrewJ530


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:13 PM

Nice to see progress. What carb you getting off your mate?

#87 mini_mad69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:27 PM

Nice to see progress. What carb you getting off your mate?

Just a 1 3/4 SU, HIF44 im pretty sure. Going to modify it ala David vizard. This engine went bloody quick on a standard one, so a vizard carb should help it along a bit. Got a decent air filter for it too. Thats if he ever gives it too me, I can't complain though, because he is giving it too me.

#88 AndrewJ530


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:30 PM

Nice to see progress. What carb you getting off your mate?

Just a 1 3/4 SU, HIF44 im pretty sure. Going to modify it ala David vizard. This engine went bloody quick on a standard one, so a vizard carb should help it along a bit. Got a decent air filter for it too. Thats if he ever gives it too me, I can't complain though, because he is giving it too me.

Trust to vizard, can't go wrong lol
How come ya didn't want to twin carb it like?

#89 mini_mad69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 11:38 PM

IM a student and a free carb is the best carb, try insuring a 1380 at 18 :-
Bye bye student loan. Although I do have 2 Hs4 carbs in my workshop. Maybe something for the future.

Id live a webber 45 on it, but just don't have the money or the patience to set one up, as Ive heard there quite hard to tune ive heard.

#90 AndrewJ530


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Posted 12 January 2009 - 05:33 PM

IM a student and a free carb is the best carb, try insuring a 1380 at 18 =]
Bye bye student loan. Although I do have 2 Hs4 carbs in my workshop. Maybe something for the future.

Id live a webber 45 on it, but just don't have the money or the patience to set one up, as Ive heard there quite hard to tune ive heard.

Lol aye true, freebies are the best. You could ask and see if twin hs'4s puts the insurnce up?
Yeh i've heard that too. Have to get it rr'd to get the best from one.

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