Ok a little bit of progress, just got in from the worshop. First thing to do was to change the shell for the 1str motion shaft bearing. I did the heating up and banging on a bit of wood meathod. Was going well and the shell started to move right up until it came to the lip, which was a little bit scratched and graunched due to trying to get the spring clip out, I didn't realise this and kept smacking it until the bell housing broke,

. So I then had to wait 2 or so hours for my mate to come with his flywheel puller so I could get a bell housing off one of my many 998s. Eventualy he did arrive and all was well, shell came out nicely and that was sorted. So I torqued up the timing gears and bolted on the housing and the pulley. Then cleaned up the gasket surfaces on the bell housing(took ages, ended up using a blowtorch to loosen it off), mounted up the bell housing after filing an imperfection on the end of the crank. The set to work re-doing the clutch and flywheel assembly that my mate put together as it was completly wrong. Again all torqued up. Then all of the rest was put on and it was mostly done, im going to put the head on once its in the car as it makes the engine so much lighter to manouver and is easier to torque up the head when bolted to the car. I have to somehow get the engine down to the garage from my workshop with no appropriate vehicle, it's not far about 1/4 or 1/2 mile so I might stick it on a skateboard and push it down or see if I can get it in a wheel barrow. I ususualy use a sack truck but that's up my nan's house where I did my first engine transplant.

Stupid alluminium, one broken bell housing.

Stripped 998 for bell housing

Second 998 stripped for clutch parts.

Almost finished 1380



As you can see there are some mucky bits, this is because they were changed at the last minute from the 998, I may clean this up but im not sure if I'll have time now.
Also I was looking at my rockers, they are different to my 998 engines. Can anyone identify them?

I am also going to me mounting up the cylinder head tomorrow, Ive had head gasket problems in the past on a previous engine, I used gasket compound on it and it lasted alot longer. What do people recomend, use it or not because a mechanic at my old work told me that I shoudln't use?

As my current engine is pre verto Ive had to dig out a load of pre verto gear, including the slave cylinder mounting bracket that was rusty. So gave that a wuick wire brush and a splash of paint. White ofcourse, because im too cheap to go buy a different colour.

My mate did come over but only brought his fly wheel puller and a top hose for me, he wants me to get the carb off his engine as he can't be bothered, fair enough seeing as how he's giving it too me, but he lives 7 miles away and don't have transport to his house. May have to ask another favour off him.
Should be another update tomorrow, well today, but you know, hopefully not as many setbacks tomorrow.