More fun today, going down a dual carridgway, maty tried to overtake, put my foot down and left him for dead, only to have my exhaust come off AGAIN!!!! so in the *peeing* rain in a layby i reattatched it, and found a better clamp in my tool box. Hopefully it will hold on long enough until my new y-piece arrives.
Looks like a new alternator then maybe?
No, I don't think so, it seems fine as far as im aware. I think it's a wiring fault. I thought I had sorted it earlier, the thing brown/blue wire that goes from the alternator to the solonoid had become detatched. So re-did that and jumped it off a friends car, it seemed ok. Now driving home from uni, I put the lights on and the dials dimmed, indicated and it did not flash, so raced home before the battery died. Had a look under the bonnet and all was well, earths clean and in good condition, all battery cables/terminals are in good condition. SO had a look in the boot and the earth was perfect, so it should be, only made the thing a couple of months ago, then saw this:

The red cable goes to an amplifier, so ignore that, the black cable is the main battery live. So will try renewing the terminal as it's not quite large enough too accept the fat cable. So will order a good quality terminal for it that will accept the wire better and maybe stop this electrical fault. It's doing my nut in!!!!
Oh and a broken mini:
Edited by mini_mad69, 08 December 2009 - 04:26 PM.