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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#46 racer36


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Posted 22 December 2008 - 10:14 PM

I was happy, actualy exstatic once i had finished it.
Then I bought new seats
, bought a dash:
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bought some speakers,
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cd player,
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one amp,
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another amp,
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a sub,
then another sub,
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then some more speakers,
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then some harness'.
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Blew headgaskets once every 2 weeks, finally blew the engine, replaced the engine last february. Blew another head gasket, and another, blew the engine.

Then bought another mini to get the engine out of
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Then sold the rest on ebay for 51 quid.

THen got it rolling road tuned at willfield motors. Highly recomended.

Now touch wood it will not blow headgaskets anymore, well hasnt since august. :D

Havnt had any major problems apart from needing new brake pads upfront since then.

the only thing i dont like about that car is it isent painted inside !! would look better even if u just used a blue spray can .....
or has it been done?

#47 mini_mad69


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Posted 22 December 2008 - 10:50 PM

the only thing i dont like about that car is it isent painted inside !! would look better even if u just used a blue spray can .....
or has it been done?

Eh? :D

It has been sprayed inside. The only bits that have not been sprayed are the bits that arnt seen.
Floors(covered by carpets) rear bulkhead(covered by rear seat).
I had to take the back seats out to show people the amps. Here you can see the back seats on covering all silver.
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The reason for this is that I ran out of blue paint and wasnt going to buy a whole tin just to spray something that's not even seen.

Edited by mini_mad69, 22 December 2008 - 10:54 PM.

#48 sir Jake the brit

sir Jake the brit

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:22 PM

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Have you actually been to the Nurburgring?

As the sticker you have on the boot is upside down...

hahaha whoops!! i thought something looked a bit wrong there lol!!!!!!

#49 sir Jake the brit

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:24 PM

B E A utiful car there sunny jim!!!

very cool, please tho, strip the sound system out loose the wieght then that 1380 can show up the boy racers and there frenchie 16v's!!!!!

merry christmas

Edited by sir Jake the brit, 22 December 2008 - 11:25 PM.

#50 mini_mad69


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:06 AM

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Have you actually been to the Nurburgring?

As the sticker you have on the boot is upside down...

hahaha whoops!! i thought something looked a bit wrong there lol!!!!!!


Yeah considering removing the subs and amp as Ive upgraded the rear 6x9s and they seem to give a good thump.

The thing is, I like my music and this is my everyday car.
My aim with this 1380 is to be able to beat my mates 16v polo. Not that im going to exceed the speed limit or race on public highways or anything. :D

#51 racer36


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:38 AM

theres still the rear arch in th boot.....and what if u wanted to show people ur amps? i would be embarrised if my car looked that nice then all silver when u show ur sound system !

still a nice car tho

#52 sweetser


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:48 AM

Well you can be imbarresed, at the end of the day he didnt want to buy another tin of paint to paint purt of the car that dont really get seen, id do the same to be honest with ya

#53 mini_mad69


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 01:53 AM

I don't realy show off my amps there pretty basic and nothing to shout about. You can't see the arch in the boot because the sub box is in the way. And anyway I sprayed the boot black on the inside then covered it in sound proofing.
I just couldnt afford the extra tin. I suppose I could get a rattle can, but as the colour isnt stocked in motor factors I have to get it mixed up, again expense on something I don't need or realy care about.
And im not embarresed about my car in the slightest thanks.
And in my opinion I would rather have my 1380 running and have my car as reliable as possible.
You have to remember im at university and all my money goes into this car, im struggling to insure it with the 1380 as it is.

Edited by mini_mad69, 23 December 2008 - 01:58 AM.

#54 buddylove


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 09:07 AM

I wouldn't be embarrassed, its not a necessity like you say. When you get a chance I would try to lighten it up a bit :D

#55 mini_mad69


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Posted 27 December 2008 - 07:54 PM

Ok today im relay getting annoyed with not having this car on the road now, and im not going to have it back on the road in time for me going back to uni now.
So today I decided to try get as much done as possible with limited parts. I went down the garage and got the manifold off, balljoints broken and driveshafts pulled out, gear linkage disconnected, bottom engine steady off, clutch disengaged, solonoid disconncted and removed, earth leads off, engine mounts disconnected (quite difficult on your own Ive found, alternator disconnected and adjusted to sit on block to make it easier to remove. A friend came over to keep me company (guy who supplied the 1380).

The only problem is that ive lost my engine lifting bracket that secures to the head studs. So im going to have to use strops or rope and then lift it.

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Will undoing the gearlinkage.

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My lunch/hangover cure.

Hopefully there'll be some engine building early next week with a new piston ring.


#56 mini_mad69


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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:37 PM

Tomorrow im hoping my piston ring will arrive. So today ive read my vizard book more, and my haynes just to get as much info as possible to get this engine back together as quickly as possible. Ive bolted on the timing cover plate, put the cam followers in got the cam in and aligned, timing gear is on. Bit annoyed as my gasket sets from minispares did not include the gasket from the timing mounting plate to block, so had to use copious amounts of instant gasket on it instead. Not happy about this at all but can't wait for one to arrive. Also once all bolted up the instant gasket oozed out of the sides and went on the cam bearings. So everything came out agian. Cleaned a re lubricated.

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I had problems with the crank siezing once the big ends were torqued up, I had no idea what was causing this, so I dismantled it thorougly cleaned everything again!!! oiled up aligned shells checked everything 5 times torqued up and it siezed, loosened off the nuts turned it over about 10 times, tightened nuts a little, turned over more, repeated this and now it seems ok. Any idea why or did things just need a tiny bit of bedding in, can't see it doing much being turned over slowly by hand.

Tomorrows plan is (if ring arrives) finish 1380 build. Get my mate to come over in his truck and transport engine over to the garage. Thats if the ring arrives tomorrow. If so there is a slight possibility I can get it an MOT by sunday(when I go back to uni). Once at uni I don't realy have a chace to come home to work on it, without a car I have to catch a bus and 3 trains. Once engine is in car its just a matter of sourcing a carb, manifold and air filter, exhaust clamps, ball joints and fit it all.Then i'll be chopping out the alloy trumpets dropping out the rubber doughnuts, welding in new nuts so I can use the cone compresser again and fit my hi los. All of this while doing a little uni work and getting plastered over new years. Ohhhh and fit the 1380. May need a little miracle. But anythig is possible. Ohhhhhh and get £400 for insurance from somewhere.

:( :dontgetit: :dontgetit: HELP!!!!!!!


Edited by mini_mad69, 30 December 2008 - 07:37 PM.

#57 buddylove


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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:40 PM

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, good luck :( Hope you get it all together soon.

#58 mini_mad69


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Posted 29 December 2008 - 12:19 AM

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, good luck :dontgetit: Hope you get it all together soon.

Thanks for the support, you seem to be the only one who reads this at the moment.


#59 buddylove


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Posted 29 December 2008 - 01:55 AM

I am sure others read, but don't post. :(

#60 captainjack15


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Posted 29 December 2008 - 12:30 PM

I read O_O (first post on this topic :huh:)

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