Tomorrow im hoping my piston ring will arrive. So today ive read my vizard book more, and my haynes just to get as much info as possible to get this engine back together as quickly as possible. Ive bolted on the timing cover plate, put the cam followers in got the cam in and aligned, timing gear is on. Bit annoyed as my gasket sets from minispares did not include the gasket from the timing mounting plate to block, so had to use copious amounts of instant gasket on it instead. Not happy about this at all but can't wait for one to arrive. Also once all bolted up the instant gasket oozed out of the sides and went on the cam bearings. So everything came out agian. Cleaned a re lubricated.

I had problems with the crank siezing once the big ends were torqued up, I had no idea what was causing this, so I dismantled it thorougly cleaned everything again!!! oiled up aligned shells checked everything 5 times torqued up and it siezed, loosened off the nuts turned it over about 10 times, tightened nuts a little, turned over more, repeated this and now it seems ok. Any idea why or did things just need a tiny bit of bedding in, can't see it doing much being turned over slowly by hand.
Tomorrows plan is (if ring arrives) finish 1380 build. Get my mate to come over in his truck and transport engine over to the garage. Thats if the ring arrives tomorrow. If so there is a slight possibility I can get it an MOT by sunday(when I go back to uni). Once at uni I don't realy have a chace to come home to work on it, without a car I have to catch a bus and 3 trains. Once engine is in car its just a matter of sourcing a carb, manifold and air filter, exhaust clamps, ball joints and fit it all.Then i'll be chopping out the alloy trumpets dropping out the rubber doughnuts, welding in new nuts so I can use the cone compresser again and fit my hi los. All of this while doing a little uni work and getting plastered over new years. Ohhhh and fit the 1380. May need a little miracle. But anythig is possible. Ohhhhhh and get £400 for insurance from somewhere.

Edited by mini_mad69, 30 December 2008 - 07:37 PM.