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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#571 mighty mini jack

mighty mini jack

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 10:39 PM

Good to see your sticking at it Ben!

#572 mini_mad69


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Posted 25 November 2009 - 10:47 PM

Good to see your sticking at it Ben!

I've just come to terms with it being a pile of *melon* that breaks down all the time. Doesn't slow me down anymore.

#573 Danny_California


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Posted 26 November 2009 - 01:23 AM

Good to hear it, you coming to that show on sunday? I'll be there along with amy.

#574 mini_mad69


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Posted 26 November 2009 - 01:47 AM

Good to hear it, you coming to that show on sunday? I'll be there along with amy.

Maybe, if I can afford to put some fuel in the mini. Completly skint at the moment.

#575 sonikk4


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Posted 03 December 2009 - 09:25 PM

Ye gods i would have shot the car by now. >_<

Top marks for sticking with it. Total Mini addict if there ever was. :shy:

#576 mini_mad69


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 02:42 AM


Ha ha ha, I get probably 2 or 3 comments a day on how much I love my car.

At the moment hes running ok, apart from the manifold bolts coming loose at the time.

Im planning on giving it, new arches, putting the deep dish wheels back on, new grill, new bumpers, new cylinder head (may repair current one), respraying the bonnet, and spending like a week cleaning, polishing, hoovering, painting, tuning and loving the little fella.

Hopefulyl it will be back to the way I like it. It's been pretty reliable recently aswell (touches wood)

I need to drop the skinny wheels as they touch the metro fan when turning right and I don't want to break it.

Averaging 35-40 mpg with a 0-60 of 8.1 secongs in a very heavy mini. I do love the little fella.

Im going to be cheaky for christmas and ask for a new grill, a set of bumpers, a set of arches and some banging brake pads.

#577 mini_mad69


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Posted 07 December 2009 - 11:46 PM

Ehxuast fell off again today, the battery keeps going flat aswell :-

It won't charge up properly.

So refitted my exhaust and ordered a new y-piece as mine is reerbiesh.

#578 mighty mini jack

mighty mini jack

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 11:47 PM

:- Here we go again!

It'll work properly one day dude!

#579 mini_mad69


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:03 AM

:- Here we go again!

It'll work properly one day dude!

DOubt it :proud:

Realy don't get the battery thing, when I went to sout west mini show, I came back and the battery was low, it's not been right since. I think it's not charging, I had it sitting on my friends car on jump cables so had 2 alternators charging it up for around 5 miniutes, drove up to a friends house and the indicators arent flashing and the wipers wont move, so battery is dead and I know its not going to start, not going to be able to get a jump start either, because, I may, just may have started a fire with them earlier. And now my frinds ecu light is on.

#580 Danny_California


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:13 AM

Ultima yellow top for xmas bey, they're the mutts!

#581 mini_mad69


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:15 AM

Ultima yellow top for xmas bey, they're the mutts!

I've got the 306td battery in there now, if the cars not charging it, theres no points.

#582 skaterava


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:36 AM

wow mini mad, can i borrow the money tree you must have in your back garden? I'd kill to get even one of the things you've done on your mini on mine!

#583 mini_mad69


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 01:04 AM

wow mini mad, can i borrow the money tree you must have in your back garden? I'd kill to get even one of the things you've done on your mini on mine!

All done over a few years, was tidy 998 mini when first built, I don't even have a job :-

If I had money, it would a completly different car at the moment.

#584 skaterava


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 11:30 AM

wow mini mad, can i borrow the money tree you must have in your back garden? I'd kill to get even one of the things you've done on your mini on mine!

All done over a few years, was tidy 998 mini when first built, I don't even have a job :)

I do!

but i don't have nearly enough money do do anything under the bonnet, even a stage 1 kit is looking mighty expensive at the moment :D

Plus the insurance companies are killing me for some reason. only declared mod are wide wheels and Footman James is quoting me over £700, kept on secure private property! How are guys my age with 1275's/1380's getting cheaper??

#585 Danny_California


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 01:07 PM

Looks like a new alternator then maybe?

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