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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#541 mini_mad69


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Posted 04 November 2009 - 04:51 PM

What happened Ben? :P

Looks lush in the first pic... To be honest it still dont look that bad...It can easily be restored to former glory! :lol:

Going too uni, not being able too maintain and love it as much as it deserves, and not being able too afford too keep it in the lifestyle it had become accostomed too.

Need a job, so I can afford too buy new arches, refit my deep dish wheels and get the front end replaced and resprayed preofessionally.

Things needed too bring it back into shape:

New arches
New bumpers
New grill
New bonnet
All sprayed nicely

Edited by mini_mad69, 04 November 2009 - 04:57 PM.

#542 mini_mad69


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Posted 14 November 2009 - 04:47 PM

My manifold bolts are coming loose, so it sucks in air and idles realy high, this makes it overheat faster aswell. :thumbsup:

Tightened them up, and it was better, went to the petrol station and put some air in the tyres, on the way back they had come loose again! :withstupid:

I'll go out tomorow and fit some stronger spring washers and some thread lock. Doesnt help one or 2 of the threads are damaged so it's mostly held on with the middle 4 bolts.

I may have to remove the head and drill out the threads too the next side up.

Currently running old falkens on those cooper wheels.
I just drove up a hill, wheelspining up it in 3rd. There interesting to say the least. I need some new arches so I can get my proper wheels back on.


#543 mini_mad69


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 04:14 PM

OK massive update, ive had to spend soo much money but I think ive sorted out a massive problem now.


Posted Image

My car now smells nice. :withstupid:

Seriously though, car is still a wreck, a very fast wreck though.

Ben :thumbsup:

#544 AndrewJ530


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 05:45 PM

Ha ... legend! You still running on bin lids?

#545 mini_mad69


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 06:07 PM

Ha ... legend! You still running on bin lids?

Yip! It's soooo scary in the wet!!! the tyres are useless! locks up on the gentlest braking. Wheelspins and understeers all over the shop.

Completly skint at the moment. So won't be any decent updates until xmas time probably. But im selling my 1275 block for £20 and a set of arches this week some time, so I can slap my proper wheels back on, set all the suspension nicely and have my baby back how I like it :withstupid::D

#546 deemo


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 11:05 PM

Last few pages made me chuckle, the "before and after" shot and the magic tree :D :thumbsup:
I'm sure the current appearance is only a temporary thing.
The from the windscreen back the car still looks good :)

#547 AndrewJ530


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Posted 18 November 2009 - 05:35 PM

Yip! It's soooo scary in the wet!!! the tyres are useless! locks up on the gentlest braking. Wheelspins and understeers all over the shop.

Completly skint at the moment. So won't be any decent updates until xmas time probably. But im selling my 1275 block for £20 and a set of arches this week some time, so I can slap my proper wheels back on, set all the suspension nicely and have my baby back how I like it :thumbsup::D

I can imagine. I'm only on 4 1/2's with a 998 and it's pretty scary in the wet lol.

Nice one. You going to colour code the arches or keep them white again?

#548 mini_mad69


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Posted 18 November 2009 - 07:01 PM

Yip! It's soooo scary in the wet!!! the tyres are useless! locks up on the gentlest braking. Wheelspins and understeers all over the shop.

Completly skint at the moment. So won't be any decent updates until xmas time probably. But im selling my 1275 block for £20 and a set of arches this week some time, so I can slap my proper wheels back on, set all the suspension nicely and have my baby back how I like it :thumbsup::D

I can imagine. I'm only on 4 1/2's with a 998 and it's pretty scary in the wet lol.

Nice one. You going to colour code the arches or keep them white again?

Havn't made my mind up yet, realy don't know. I like it just as much white as I do blue. My old man wants me too put it back too white, I like it as it kinda suits it and makes it look a little racey, but at the same time, when its blue it gives it a clean more retro look.

#549 AndrewJ530


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Posted 18 November 2009 - 10:54 PM

I do prefer it with the white myself. It does look cleaner with the blue arches but it suits the theme of the car better with white.

#550 mini_mad69


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Posted 19 November 2009 - 02:56 AM

I do prefer it with the white myself. It does look cleaner with the blue arches but it suits the theme of the car better with white.

I think im going to go white and carry the theme on. Considreing spraying the cage and wheel centres white, its vauxhall glacier white and is a nice cheap readily avaiable colur, so may consider it.

#551 Danny_California


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Posted 20 November 2009 - 02:44 PM

White cage would be very nice. Definately go for the white arches, they do suit it well. What arches you getting? The W&P ones?

#552 mini_mad69


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Posted 20 November 2009 - 03:25 PM

White cage would be very nice. Definately go for the white arches, they do suit it well. What arches you getting? The W&P ones?

Naaaa, I love the look of W&P ones, but they were just so much hassle too fit too the cut arches. Im going for the standard arches first until I can afford to buy some nice ones :shifty:

#553 mini_mad69


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Posted 21 November 2009 - 01:55 PM

Driving home from a friends house late last night, I dropped my right foot and the car started wheelspinning. Then the exhaust fell off. SO I very cleverly, drove home the remaning mile, with it hanging off the bottom of the car, (very loud). I've gone out to re-attatch it, (again) and the link pipe is just not there. I've got LCB, y piece and a backbox. I retraced my route (walking) and it was no where to be found. Oh no, and it appears you cant just buy the middle section.

#554 Danny_California


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Posted 21 November 2009 - 02:17 PM

Sounds like its time for some custom fabrication eh ben? :xmas: Can anyone say DRAINPIPE =]

#555 AndrewJ530


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Posted 21 November 2009 - 02:19 PM


Is that what you need mate?

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