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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#391 mini_mad69


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Posted 26 August 2009 - 11:09 AM

caliper is up side down. bleed niple is ment to be at the bottom

No it's not

they're all wrong then.

think about it, air will rise. so when fluid comes into the caliper in the middle, the fluid will drop to the bottom, then rise up from there, leaving any trapped air at the top. Bleed nipples should go at the top.

Excactly what I was going too say.

Woop I was right >_<

Ben, How do you find it runs with the ride height so low? Do you ever have issues with the tyres scrubbing on the arches over bumps?

I find it ok at this height. I don't have issues with scrubbing even with 3 people and an engine in the boot. I just have the shocks wound up so it's incredibly stiff though. It is too stiff and I have too avoid dips or bumps in the road. I can just about make small speed humps but most of them I have too take at a funny angle too keep 1 wheel on it. It does handle very well aswell. The main problem is that it's so stiff when cornering hard, if I hit a bump the car tends too hop, which completly ruins the cornering. It's not idealy suited for everyday, which is what I use it for.

#392 Danny_California


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Posted 26 August 2009 - 09:32 PM

even with 3 people and an engine in the boot

Must be a big boot :thumbsup:

Whats the fibreglass bonnet like? Standard mould or has it got some erm, bulges, in it? :D

#393 mini_mad69


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Posted 27 August 2009 - 01:31 AM

even with 3 people and an engine in the boot

Must be a big boot :thumbsup:

Whats the fibreglass bonnet like? Standard mould or has it got some erm, bulges, in it? :D

Standard looking one. Once I get my phone back off the useless people at the carphone wharehouse I will get some pics of it when It arrives.

Ha ha the engine was in bit's when it was in there.

Well engine was out I fitted a new timing cover gasket and the tensioner was in pieces and fell out when i opened it up. So new tensioner fitted, bolted back up with new gasket, and a new fan as mine had damage too 2 blades. Put the engine back in, started it and oil poored out of my lovely new gasket. So engine back out, and after drilling, tapping, filling, and trying to get new bolts in the bottom of the chain cover, I took it off and decided it must be bent, so put a straight edge on it and there is a 2mm gap in some place between bolt holes. So I will try and fit another cover tomorrow, even though this one doesn't have a breather, so Im going too put another one in the rocker cover and put that into my catch tank, which incidently was full over greasy, slimy water. So it seems there was a good bit of condensation coming out of my oil. I'll put new oil in it after all this recent work on it.


#394 mini_mad69


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Posted 27 August 2009 - 04:56 PM

Put it all back together with a new timing cover gasket and a new cover. It just *drunk* out oil. I've given up, the piece of *melon* can rot too dust for all I care now.

#395 mini_mad69


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 12:50 PM

New bonnet arrived, it needs alot of work though, it has loads of dings in the gel coat. So I need to give a teeny skim of filler and give it a little reinforcing on the back as it flexes quite alot.

Still can't be bothered to go back out too the garage though. No doubt as soon as I finally sort that oil leak another thing will break.

#396 mini_mad69


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 01:00 PM

Just ordered a sheet of white vinyl for a chequer pattern on the bonnet, I don't think im going to be able to get it perfect so will cover it up with chequers.

I've also ordered a stick on number plate to go on the bonnet as I think the car looks better without the number plate under the bumper.


#397 mini_mad69


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 07:39 PM

Took the engine back out today, for the last time hopefully. Oil was coming out of the crank oil seal on the timing cover. So a new one sorted that. Built it all back up and theres a minimal leak that I'll live with.

All that I need too do too get it running properly again now is fit the smallest 3rd bolt on the slave cylinder bracket. It's never had one and the strength of the bracket seemed too hold up. But when the flywheel came off I forced the clutch pedal down too try and move off from a set of lights, it seems too havwe bent and weakened the bracket, so will have to fit the little bolt back in, incidently does anyone know what thread it is?


#398 MiNi FiZ

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 08:21 PM

true commitment here man!!

well done for sticking with it

give the man a pat on the back

#399 mini_mad69


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 10:40 PM

Clutch won't work.

Why do we have these stupid little cars?

#400 Down&Out


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 12:20 AM

Clutch won't work.

Why do we have these stupid little cars?

Because they're worth it in the end ;).

#401 mini_mad69


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 12:30 AM

Clutch won't work.

Why do we have these stupid little cars?

Because they're worth it in the end ;).

Until they break again. Currently looking at mk2 golfs on piston heads. Soooooo tempted.

#402 Down&Out


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 01:30 AM

Clutch won't work.

Why do we have these stupid little cars?

Because they're worth it in the end ;).

Until they break again. Currently looking at mk2 golfs on piston heads. Soooooo tempted.

Dont you dare :(.

#403 HARBER07


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 02:34 PM

Just been having a read, and like you am sooo tempted to just get another car! Ive got a persistent oil leak that is impossible to find as well! I lost count the number of times the rad has come out and removed the timing cover.

#404 Adcuz


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 03:42 PM

Buy the Golf and drive it for a week.. then try driving the Mini again. You'll see why then ;-)

#405 mini_mad69


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 04:45 PM

CLutch won't work at all. If I have given up.

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