Yesterday I adjusted my tappets, refitted a load of subframe mount bolts that had fallen out, while resetting the tappets I noticed the ultimate engine steady was cracked, so I took it off and welded it up after my dad said he couldnt be bothered, not welded in 3 years or so and on my 3rd attempt it worked
Also fitting central locking, but this is an ongoing project.
The 998 box you're using mate, is it the original from the mini? Did you have to do aything to the block or box to get it to mate properly? I'm looking into getting a 998 then 1293ing it lol.
Pretty sure its the same box my current 1275 cooper engine has a 998 bellhousing on it at the moment, and yes out of all of the engines ive had im using the original.
1. Ive had original refurbished 998 (block knackered)
2. second hand 998 (block knackered)
Common cylinder head ditched.
3. Bought my donor 998 car and took its engine. (now for sale on ebay)
4. Dropped in my 1380 (didnt work)
5. Dropped in the spi cooper engine.
car has been on the road for around 14 months, ha ha ha and so far had 5 engines
And now im going to try the 1380 again.
Im now pretty sure im getting an MG metro head, it's from someone off here, double valve springs fitted, and ported.
Should give me a few more ponies until I can get my 1380.
Also purchased a maniflow system today, so should be a bit quieter and go a little better.
Edited by mini_mad69, 09 April 2009 - 01:40 AM.