Ok a little bit of a story today.
I've fitted my cage, and it looks awsome. I then loaded up my car ready to drive too bath.
Cleaned it and set off for Uni.
Got onto the M4 made 2 junctions and there were a few flecks on my windscreen but only on one side. Werid I thought then within around 10 or 15 seconds, oil poored out of the bonnet, the cars begind me dissaperead in smoke, my oil gauge plumeted, the warning light came on and it stank. I turned it off and coasted onto the hard shoulder.
I was thinking, blown head gasket, hole in engine, blown gasket somewhere. Big work. Didn't look as I was scared my engine had fallen out.
Scuttled up the bank and rang RAC, they told me I was out of range of their 10 mile policy, I was 13 miles. SO they turned a blind eye, LEGENDS!
I then got loaded and taken home, where the patrol man said he didn't have any other jobs on, had nothing better to do so said he'd give me a hand to try sort it out. Now, my engine is from an SPI mine, but the oil filter housing it not, so there was a mismatch, so we cut the 2 pipes aand joined them with a piece of rubber pipe. I was hoping it was that but didnt think it would be.
We put oil in it, started it and it pi$$ed oil everywhere, straight through the fan, and that was at idle. It did empty the engine oil in around 15 seconds.
I was soooo happy with that, he found some re inforced pipe in his van, popped it in started it up and perfect. I was unbelievably happy.
The problem now, is that the engine/ engine bay has a very very thick layer of 20W50. If I drive it, it will smoke and may go up in flames. I need to get back tomorrow, so im going to have too spray brake cleaner all over the electrics, then all over the engine and hose off the engine. Then get it up on blocks and give that the same treatment. Then im going too have too clean the car agaaaiiin. As there is oil all over the bonnet, grill, front panel, scuttle, a panels, doors, and windscreen.
Some pictures from today:
