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Lightweight Z18Xe

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#136 The_Mistro


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 10:47 PM

i hope it all goes well for you at the MOT! fingers crossed!

#137 1275cooper09


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 11:00 PM

erm...u dont have to bear the 1275box in ur mind for long lol its now sold


#138 mini_mad69


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Posted 27 January 2009 - 12:34 AM

erm...u dont have to bear the 1275box in ur mind for long lol its now sold


ok no worries, ill source one later on.

#139 mini_mad69


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Posted 27 January 2009 - 12:35 AM

i hope it all goes well for you at the MOT! fingers crossed!

Cheers mate.

#140 mini_mad69


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 02:30 AM

EPIC fail. 6 points and 2 advisorys. I had no idea.

1. Brake pipe had a kink in it on radius arm
2. Scattered headlight beam(rubbish bulbs I think)
3.Headlight too high.
4.HI Lo not locked properly
5. Steering column pinch bolt not 100%, he pulled the column off.
6. Handbrake cable was touching brake union.


7. Battery not secure.
8. Biblical oil leak.

So yesterday I locked up my hi los, put in a new pinch bolt, asjusted headlights. Then took the engine half out and put a new gasket on the timing cover.

Today I put on a new brake pipe, put in some decent bulbs, and made up a new bracket for the brake union to hold it away from the cable.

I can't get the brakes to bleed properly though, pedal is realy spongy and only bites halfway down.

Then I got bored to painted my radiator, alternator and put some seam sealent underneath on some ratty bits.

When I first put the car on the road the bonnet rattled stupidly, I put some silicone sealant in the drainage channels and it stopped. But it looked rurrrbesh.
So today I scraped it all off, but left bare metal. So I had to paint it, the only paint I had was red engine laquer. SO now ive got 2 red lines either side of my bonnet. I will paint over them once its back on the road. I realy filled it with the engine paint though so Should realy prevent rust. Im going skiing for a week on friday, and my dad has told me he will drive it back and forth to work so he can make sure all is well. I don't realy want him to do this but he seemed very determined. So ive written him instructions for what the switched do, I also had to disconnect my alarm as he "cant be arsed with that beeping, flashing piece of sh!te". He can't quite work it out. So I should have an MOT'd mini with around 100 miles under it's belt when I come home.

The water pump is dribling a little, and the brakes a are realy spongy, so he said he'll have a look at that while im away. So that'd be nice, especialy as in my week off I have only been out to get mini parts. Had 2 engines in the car but only 1 gearbox. Been goign to gargae at about 10am and leaving at around 2am.
Done alot of work to it recently. Im going to try and keep ontop of maintanance a bit more as having the car off the road is a nightmare. I would have done the water pump today but I just couldn't be bothered taking off the radiator and the rest again. I've taken a few pics of progress, and as soon as I fond my camera lead I'll post them up. I can't be bothered too secure my battery, it fit's tight enough in the battery box, and I keep a rag down the side of it and it doesn't move, it just makes it alot easier to remove, and as it was only an advisory im going to ignore it.

#141 beaubrad


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 11:03 AM

it a never ending story with mini's lol . . thats why you got to love them

#142 ianpettifer


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 11:05 AM

it a never ending story with mini's lol . . thats why you got to love them


#143 AndrewJ530


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 04:45 PM

They all seem pretty fixable though the fails. At least there is no rot to contend with. Shoudl be up and running soon.

#144 mini_mad69


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Posted 08 February 2009 - 03:37 PM

IT's on the road now. MOT'd a a week ago last friday.

Goes alright aswell.
Throttle seems a little sticky, but it seems the spring on the carb isn't returning properly.

I still need a new needle for it as its not running correctly, and cuts out sometimes. Happened at a set of traffic lights and wouldn't start bak up for bout 2 mins. Which got me some abuse.

But I know its faster than a blue 205, yellow saxo and a green micra. I also know its slower than a new swift, I think it was a GTI.

Going to but a new needle in it and try get it running better, might get a new distributor for it aswell as it came off the 1380.
A friend was following me and said when I downshifted and let it run down purple flames were popping out of the exhasut.

Which to me shouts its running rich, but the plugs show its lean. So that tells me it's fueling all over the place, also theres an almighty flatspot which lasts around 300 rpm between 5200 and 5500 rpm.

Also going to get a new inlet manifold as mines for a 1.5" carb.

#145 mini_mad69


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 01:16 PM

Ok I didnt realy get many pictures when I was putting in the 1275, it was such a rush, the engine was built and running a day or 2 later.

1380 oil leak after one week, diff gasket replaced problem solved.
Posted Image

1380 siezes, so back out.
Posted Image

1380 gearbox and head removed, added to the 1275 and 1275 put in car.

Then failed MOT.
Posted Image

Then I went on holiday, and came back and it had an MOT :shifty: (cheers dad)
Pic with old 998 engine, the sack truck broke halfway to taking it to my workshop. Bit irritating so I had to put it in the new wheel barrow, the old one broke under the weight of the 1380.

Posted Image

It cuts out at lights, roundabouts etc once warmed.
So ive ordered a new needle from mini spares.

It also hates rain and splutters all over the place, it's running very old plugs, leads and coil, all from my donor car I had last summer.

So ive ordered a lucas sport coil, new plugs, and some nice silicone leads.

Im going to get some harder dampers because the rear rubs when throwing it around in the corners.

#146 miniallsort


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 05:07 PM

very good mate

#147 jakelloyd99


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:56 PM

You should loose the badboy sound system, no point dragging that old tat around with you! going to need sum decent brakes on that once the 1380s is in... Ive got 2 pots with drilled n grooved discs n green stuff pads n had brake fade bout 3 times. Got metro turbo 4 pots waiting to go on. Also i find that my 7x13s are to wide and drag the car all over the place on breaking, going to get some 6x12s. all the best wiv the 1380. Jake

#148 mini_mad69


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 02:37 AM

I like my "Bad boy soundsystem", it adds around 20-30 kg, my roll cage which will be going in is not far off that, so I'm not that bothered about it. I like my sounds. Althogh im considering getting rid of the subs and replacing them with some smaller ones under the rear seat.

1380 is now going to be rebuilt into a whole built up unit for the summer. Im going to swap it over before I start my summer job.

Went over a cattle grid around 40mph today, car went around 1 foot into the air, both 6x9s broke their casings and burst out of the shelf because the sub box came up and pushed the speakers out, one of the amps went into safe mode. The head unit turned off, and now the rear end sits around 30 mm lower and rubs again. I must have bent it.

NOT happy, going to get underneath tomorrow and check it all over. Still drives fine but rubs when you chuck it around corners
Although, I fitted my new needle and now it runs so much better, idles nicely and doesnt cut out. it's quicker again.

Im buying some high lift rockers for it and Ive bought some duplex timing gears for the 1380. Im also going to get a big battery as ive had to be jump started by my housemate twice.

#149 mini_mad69


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 02:39 AM

Oh and im not running 7x13s, ive got 6x12s on it. And ive never experienced brake fade, my brakes are fantastic they are god enough to lock up 60mph on yokohama tyres, thats more than enough for me.

#150 mini_mad69


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 02:24 PM

Put on a new coil, put in new plugs and adjusted the mixture, it's alot smoother now. Everything seems fine underneath after my run in with the cattle grid, I think that my rubber doughnuts must have just settled alot since being in the air for 3 or 4 months. Well thats what im hoping.

Ive had starting problems and had to jump start it, had to bump start it today, it was turning over a little slowly, but may start a bit easier now the mixture is nicely set. Anyway ive just ordered a heavy duty 075 battery, that should get it going a bit better. Just waiting on my new plug leads now, so should be a bit better in the rain, I also got a welsh dragon centre for my gear knob as my target one fell off and dissaperard.

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