Here are a few pictures of some of the stuff going in the beast, just a bit of something to wet the appetite:
Wipac Free Forms, their gonna get some serious bulbs in them too, might stretch to HIDS if I can afford it.

K&N Typhoon, thats going to see a lot of air being sucked through it....ha ha......

Plugs are 1 stage colder than normal to account for the Supercharger.

HONKERS - - cant wait to make em jump with those bad boys.......

LIFELINE quick release steering boss, frankly if it didnt have it I couldnt get in or out of the car..........there will be an addition to this combo but you will have to wait for that - it's top secret......

Schroth Harnesses, lifesavers,hope not to use them in ernest.

Wilwood Brake balance, speaks for itself really

More updates next week.