nice! i see you went for a momo 'quark'? gear knob lol i would never be able to decide what momo products to buy to much choice
The knob is a Momo F16, its last years model but it still looks good. I wanted a knob that gave more feedback as to the direction of travel, it may sound odd but having that shape subconciously helps me to work out where I am going with the gear stick, well compared to a normal round one. Also for the last few years my Accord Type R had a Titanium gearknob and that thing was either too hot or too cold to touch so I wanted something with leather on this time.
lol great one your cars coming along great your projects been the inspiration for me to learn how to do fabrication properly thats why im starting engineering this year so then ill be improving more and more
Glad to be of service, although I must tell you that I hold no formal qualfications in fabrication or engineering and this is the first time I have done a project of this type (building a car). I wish you well on the course.
Wow! I've just spent the last hour reading this topic and I must say it's the best hour I've had on a sunday morning in a long time. Hats off. I can't wait to see this beast in action. It's given me some great ideas. Good luck.
Thanks for the comments.
me too...
this project is perfect ...!!!!!
Again Thanks.
Well i've just spent most of the afternoon reading through this project and i have to say the attention to detail and fabrication work are second to non, simply amazing.
I suppose with all projects you re-asses the finish date on a weekly basis and a project like this is never 'finished' as such as theres always something more you can add.
Terrible luck with the engine but you seemed to have bounced back well and continued with the brilliant work.
Keep up the good work and enjoy it!
Thanks, yes I am re-assessing the completion date weekly at the moment, things never quite work out how we want them and I find myself waiting on others more than I would like but there are things that I just cant do myself or require that third hand to do them. I have been enjoying what summer we have had for the last couple of weeks so havent managed to get much done to the car, however I did manage to help with my trailer over the weekend so that is coming along, again not as quickly as I wanted but it is getting there.
Great work cptkirk! I can't seem to find the answer in the thread. Where did you get the arches from? I'm guessing zcars but their shop page doesn't seem to work on their web page to confirm this.
You are correct they are Z's own arches, I wish I had had the side seams deseamed now but it's too late for that now. I think that would have made the arches look even smoother.
I aim to get cracking back into the project this week, I spent some time making a list of stuff to do over the weekend and it ran into 4 pages of A4 and still growing so I can get some sort of structure back into the build. Its difficult to concentrate on one thing when there is so much to do.
More updates soon.