Community Status Updates
Ollie180 → YoungUn
past your test yet? got my 1st lessons in 13days cant wait! did u do l2b?
May 25 2007 08:38 PM
Jordie → miniboo
Road trip. Aye no problem, just tell me when where who and why and i will arrange it.
May 25 2007 05:44 AM
miniboo → Jordie
get them wheels on boy
do you fancy a small road trip possibly???
May 25 2007 05:38 AM
do you fancy a small road trip possibly???
millsminis → *Raz*
Yep bring on the next riv coming down for Winter Warmer?? Yep and I can push you over drunk in your sleeping bag xx
May 19 2007 10:47 AM
Yep bring on the next riv coming down for Winter Warmer?? Yep and I can push you over drunk in your sleeping bag xx
May 19 2007 10:47 AM
Hannioli → *DJH*
I'm not always anonymonymous...just im too lazy to change it >_<
you're so wrong, it's MY SUN!!! RARRR!!
May 19 2007 09:24 AM
you're so wrong, it's MY SUN!!! RARRR!!