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Problems, Questions and Technical

This section can be used to get help with any technical problems which you are experiencing with your Mini. You can also help others with their Mini related technical issues.

Please be careful when answering peoples technical questions that you do not misguide them into taking inappropriate action. Not only is this annoying, but it can also be costly and could even be dangerous if the wrong information is given. This is why we ask that only first-hand and factual information is posted in reply to peoples queries. If you are not 100% certain of your reply, be sure to point out your uncertainty.

Getting a Good Response
In order to get the best advice as quickly as possible for your technical issue you should include the following information in your topic:

1. Year of your vehicle (e.g. 1988)
2. Model of your vehicle (e.g. Mini Designer)
3. A detailed description of the problem and anything you have tried to fix the problem.
4. Pictures can sometimes help in diagnosing a problem, if you think they could, why not include some?

The more information you can give, the more likely that someone can give you the correct answer to your issue and the quicker your problem can be resolved.


Photobucket Users Please Read

  Posted by Deathrow


Injection Mini Specific - SPi/MPi

Any technical question, issues and problems relating to any part of fuel injected (SPi or MPi) Minis.

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