Z Cars Update From Chris Allanson
Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:43 AM
With regards to the guy in kent the situation is clear
He has dealt with Z cars performance engineering ltd who do owe him money
I have never dealt with him at all either personally or through Z Cars.
Prior to them going bust I have had no dealings at all with him or his father
Last Friday a letter arrived addressed to Z cars ltd
Obviously I opened it
It was a court proceedings letter which inside was correctly addressed and headed against Z Cars performance engineering ltd
The address had been shortened by the court so it fitted into the envelope see through window.
That meant it was addressed to Z Cars limited as the postal address
I went and obtained the customers details from Simon and
texted the customer and asked him to get in touch directly with me
He replied he would at 1 pm that day
About one pm his dad rang me
I told him that Z Cars performance had gone bust and about the letter from the court.
I explained I had been in touch with the court itself and pointed out the addressee error and they are going to change that.
I did not bully him into trying to remove the court papers at all
I have no need to I have done nothing wrong
I didn't need to text him or speak to him at all and only did so out of courtesy to him and in sympathy to his current situation
The appointed receiver has all the company accounts and records
The letter from this customer has been forwarded on to him as will all other correspondence
It is his responsibility to write to all aggrieved parties who have a claim
They are red an Nichols and butler
Maclaren house
Skegness road
East yorks
YO25 6 PN
This currently is a mess
I could walk away from it and not bother at all
Despite what this guy is saying the fact is that in March 2010 I began the fastmast business and very quickly was tied up with that
That's why Simon took on the role of running Z Cars until he started performance in 2013
Look on companies house at the records of the two companies if you don't believe what I'm saying
The fact that I let him rent the tools equipment etc from me was a deal we did
If he hadn't gone bust and been letting the customers down we wouldn't be where we are now
If you don't want to deal with me that's fine it's not certain that there will be a resurrected company at this stage and a lot of it rests in my hands
I don't need to sell the rights and jigs etc
I don't need to carry this on at all
It would be a shame in my view and the last two weeks have been very trying to say the least
I have tried to be as up front as I can but to be fair the responsibility rests with Simon smith and Z Cars performance engineering for the current situation.
The French guy complaining earlier in this thread I have investigated this morning
I think something is getting lost in translation with the amounts of monies being quoted
He has requested a gear cable kit which he paid for its four hundred pounds or so
It was sent by mistake to another customer in France by Steve
When he didn't get it Steve realised the error
The other customer has moved to Portugal and has contacted the new owner of his old house
It is in a secure area apparently and the courier can't get access to pick it up unless the new householder is in
This is all very recent
Because of this Steve can't send new parts to the correct address as he isn't allowed to spend any money on shipping or goods etc
He needs to buy some components in order to fulfil the commitment but cannot do so
Steve has been answering e mails and trying to help old customers but he was laid off two weeks ago and is doing it at home in his own time
He could just say I'm not bothering either.
Unfortunately for those effected they need to go through the receiver to try and get redress
Posted 12 November 2015 - 04:32 PM
To anybody else who feels the need to complain, owed money etc then please ensure you use the details supplied rather than coming on here and venting your spleen.
There is a correct process in dealing with issues which you will need to go through.
If you do have a comment to make regarding any issues then please ensure you go through the process rather than trying to clear things up on here. This is after all a forum and not a legal process. Once you have done that then feel free to post.
This needs to be done fairly for everyone involved in this.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 05:13 PM
I've had a few phone calls today having put my number on this post and have been able to explain things first hand and advise re parts
The guy with the fuel tank all tanks were welded and fabricated in house here
Once I know what's happening I expect either the new company would be able to supply you or I will make one myself to get you sorted out
Posted 12 November 2015 - 08:05 PM
Posted 12 November 2015 - 08:05 PM
Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:29 PM
Ethically i dont think you can use the zcars name and not take responsibility for the zcars debt, you rented that boy the brand as well as the premises and the tooling, if the tools or premises break, its on you, if the brand gets destroyed owing £1000's, its on you.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:48 PM
Ethically i dont think you can use the zcars name and not take responsibility for the zcars debt, you rented that boy the brand as well as the premises and the tooling, if the tools or premises break, its on you, if the brand gets destroyed owing £1000's, its on you.
What are you smoking?
Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:12 PM
my smoking habits are irrelevant. This really looks like shadey business to me, do you think if the company had of thrived under the "new ownership"/directorship this ex owner guy wouldn't have made a penny? rough with smooth.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:14 PM
and they've always had the performance engineering footer in their logo as far as i know. let the judges decide.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:51 PM
HAving spoken to the liquidators today it appears that the directors have failed to tell the liquidators everyone that is owed money and parts so if you are owed money or parts get in contact imediately otherwise you will be overlooked .
Also chris is such a nice chap that the court papers were issued to him assured me they would be given to the liquidators
They have never seen them ??
Also it appears he tried to bully there officer the same way he tried to intimidate myself.
It also appears the ownership of jigs equipment is also in question ??
I will not be placing any further comments but if you are thinking of placing orders in the future be careful my son paid ober £15 k for a car that won t run due to parts that have yet to be supplied
He paid in full at the begining of the year
Last thing we were told is you are not getting your parts . That was from nice steve . Sweet
Also zcars have transposed a number of times over the past years from the same address . The liquidators are looking into this
So bye for now and be careful who you give your money to
If i hear anything from the liquidators which may be of help to other creditors i will post it on
Posted 13 November 2015 - 02:38 AM
As Sean said when money has exchanged hands (and a large sum) its too easy to explode on here, but I do feel for those involved I genuinely do as its probably the only way to get a response if they haven't already and they want someone to reply
On one hand Chris doesn't have to be on here to inform and keep informing to do what he can to solve this, he doesn't deserve the flak, he doesn't need to stress himself out every day with chasing and replying and trying to salvage this behind the scenes
Maybe Simon is his best friend maybe he's not, but either way he has probably thought about why bother? I know I would, its a lot of time and effort
On the other hand he is responsible, whichever way you look at it like Mikko said HE is responsible considering the terms, but whether he knows this or not you have to give him credit for posting up on here
I like Z-Cars as an alternative brand but have never met Chris or have ever had any dealings with him, but I have to throw some kudos towards him for trying to sort out Simons mess when he could very easily just walk away
The company has done crap not Chris as far as I know, I hope I'm right but give the guy a break for trying to sort out someone else's mess, what a situation to be in, he must only be doing it for what he has given so far to the mini scene
If Chris is just trying to save his own ass and wants to shift the blame to his newly departed mate then he knows this will get found out as it will just turn nasty
Either way he is replying and doesn't have to
Posted 13 November 2015 - 10:19 AM
Chris is the landlord, Steve Smith is the person that is responsible and now that responsibility falls to the receivers for redress.
I agree that if he wants to rebuild the good name of Z Cars he would probably need to do something maybe
Posted 13 November 2015 - 03:30 PM
I've been looking into bling bling wheels issues
Firstly I gave Simon the court papers the other day they and some others are on their way to the liquidators as I type this
The reason that bling bling wheels didn't appear as a creditor is simple
When the liquidator comes they take a copy of the accounts which they did his transaction on sage was complete ie he had ordered and had an invoice raised for parts that has been paid for so the balance is zero
His problem is the parts never went. Because of that he is a creditor I can see how he thinks something un towards is going on and I sympathise .
I have spoken to the liquidator and she has pointed out that the address of their office due to spell checker appears incorrectly
She is looking on the mini forum at the posts so can pick up information from it as well as contacting her office
That's at red man Nichols butler
Maclaren house
Skerne road
She is called Stephanie
As far as an investigation being carried out by the receiver this is normal practice in all insolvencies
They will look into the financial,affairs of the directors and see if there has been any impropriety.
They are not specifically looking at myself or what has gone on between the two companies
To clear another point up
The director of Z Cars Performance Engineering ltd Ian Simon Peter Barnes smith
Steve is or rather was an employee and not a director
I am not and never have been a director of Z Cars Performance engineering
Go on companies house and look for yourselves
The allegation of bullying I find rather strange particularly towards the liquidator
Far from bullying I've cooperated with them when asked
For example the auctioneer came and looked around he contacted me as landlord and we discussed the rent due on the premises if the gear was not shifted immediately from site.
He wanted to conduct an auction on the premises to save costs
I wasn't really happy with that because I didn't want lots of strangers paddling around what is in essence my home and outbuildings
I told him I didn't want that he suggested that an online auction would be possible but the costs of shifting the gear would effect what was eventually put into the pot for the creditors
I told him I would think about that if he would pay the rent which we agreed would happen
He asked me if I would sell the rights to the business as this would increase the value of the stock and again increase the size of the pot
I told him of the phone calls and interest from two serious parties in the business
I didn't need to do that
If I'd wanted to be dodgy I could have said no I'm not selling z cars jigs etc I could have got someone to go to the auction and bid for the stock at a knock down price but I didn't
He has been in touch with the two serious buyers and negotiations are ongoing
I have helped several customers with problems when they have contacted me direct even though they are not my customers and I've never dealt with them
With regards to having two companies with similar names on the same site
This is not illegal nor unusual
There is a perfectly valid reason for what happened
The companies have not flipped as is being suggested again companies house proves what went on its all dated signed and correct
Your contracts are with Z CarsPerformance engineering and Simon smith
I am now considering carefully not bothering any more at all with the whole thing
I personally have done none of you any harm or caused you any loss if I had I would redress the situation
If the business was to carry on then the financial pot gathered by the liquidator would be bigger and those of you out there with a claim would potentially get more
Public ally knocking hell out of me and the brand effects that and the overall resale value of your cars
This is common sense and a fact of life
Please don't shoot the messenger it's not me that's taken your money.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 06:41 PM
Just wanted to say that i really hope Zcars starts up again. I have no personal experience with the "old" Zcars but think the product is to good to let this be the end.
I'm glad i didn't order a vtec kit a month ago as i first planned but will place the order when you are up and running again.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 07:05 PM
I just wanted to add that I hope Z-Cars can start up again also. It would be sad to see everything go by the wayside after past successes.
All the best Chris.
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