This is how I fitted Tex door mirrors as I had bullet mirrors that I didn't want. As I say it's how I did it not necessarily the correct way or how you may want to tackle it. Not a 5 minute job this way and requires patience as it is really fiddly and tight down inside the door. I had no captive nuts inside the door.
TEX Mirrors
Firstly I had to take the bullet mirrors off, the best way I found was to wind the window right down and go in from the top firstly taking the two bits of window trim off to gain a wider access. I wouldn't even bother taking off door cards and trying to reach up that way unless you are a hobbit or a borrower with small hands.
Then I had to undo two bolts inside the door to get bullet mirror off, I used a ratchet spanner and a normal spanner.
The old holes for the bullet mirror were too far apart so decided to start again with two new fresh holes, first I masked the door to stop the drill bit slipping and scratching paint.
I then marked where the holes will go with a drill bit followed by pen.
Then drllied, best to paint any bare metal after drilling, doesn't need to be same colour as under mirror plimth
I bought these nut and bolts from B&Q for something else but used them on this, they did need shortening so not to foul window so if you do this buy shorter bolts, Maybe 2cm.
I then with the black plimth in place and bolts through the holes I put the nut in a pair of small mole grips (long nose pliers would work) so I could then screw the bolt onto nut by holding the mole grips down the gap.
This is how it looked from inside and outside door.
Lastly screw the mirror on with the screw provided.
JOB DONE! Hope this thread helps.
Edited by Hendred, 17 March 2015 - 06:32 PM.