Looking for a bit of guidance and advice on pricing really.
I have these two items that I no longer want to fit to any of my classics, I'm not interested in being fleeced by eBay any more so was going to jam them on the classifieds.
I bought them a long while ago now and have had them on display, I don't want to give them away but at the same time I don't want to hold them forever asking too much?

Redex Lubrocharger by Ben Magee Creative Arts, on Flickr
The Lubrocharger (3" Diameter) is a lovely dash mounted device to meter RedeX fuel additive as you drive (designed to use the suction of the inlet to draw RedeX through). The little twiddly knobs adjust the speed and flow of RedeX.

Redex Car Care Robot by Ben Magee Creative Arts, on Flickr
The RedeX Car Care Robot is a vacuum gauge to indicate the efficiency of your throttle input, engine speed and load. The unit body is 2" in diameter with a 2 and 3/8" rounded bezel.
Both have a lovely patina and will not only look great in a classic retro dash but should do a great job too!